All Classes and Interfaces

DTO for an HTML <a> element.
DTO for an HTML <abbr> element.
Common interface for matchers used by the ObjectSearcher class.
Represents a parsed Accept HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed Accept-Charset HTTP request header.
Represents an HTTP 202 Accepted response.
Represents a parsed Accept-Encoding HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed Accept-Language HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed Accept-Range HTTP response header.
DTO for an HTML <address> element.
Sample guard that only lets administrators through.
Represents a parsed Age HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Allow HTTP response header.
Represents an HTTP 208 Already Reported response.
Identifies possible values for the HtmlSerializer.Builder.uriAnchorText(AnchorText) setting.
Class used to add properties to a context builder (e.g.
Represents a no-op configuration apply.
Builder for AnnotationImpl objects.
Applied to annotations that belong to a similar group (e.g.
A concrete implementation of an annotation.
Represents an annotation instance on a class and the class it was found on.
An ordered list of annotations and the classes/methods/packages they were found on.
Interface that provides the ability to look up annotations on classes/methods/constructors/fields.
Annotation utilities.
A unit of work for applying an annotation to a context builder.
A list of AnnotationWork objects.
Used for assertion calls against generic POJOs.
An example of an extended REST microservice.
DTO for an HTML <area> element.
General exception due to a malformed Java parameter.
Utility class to make it easier to work with command-line arguments pass in through a main(String[] args) method.
JVM args variable resolver.
Method argument utility methods.
Used for assertion calls against arrays.
Builder for arrays.
Quick and dirty utilities for working with arrays.
DTO for an HTML <article> element.
Stores a Map of ASCII characters to Strings in a quick-lookup array.
Stores a set of ASCII characters for quick lookup.
Builder class.
DTO for an HTML <aside> element.
Identifies possible float values for HtmlDocSerializer.Builder.asideFloat(AsideFloat).
Base class for all assertion objects.
Wrapper around a Predicate that allows for an error message for when the predicate fails.
Encapsulates multiple predicates into a single AND operation.
Negates an assertion.
Encapsulates multiple predicates into a single OR operation.
Predefined AssertionPredicate objects.
Main class for creation of assertions for stand-alone testing.
Various useful static methods for creating ATOM elements.
Atom feed example.
Sample resource that shows how to generate ATOM feeds.
Atom feed HTML example.
Atom feed JSON example.
Atom feed XML example.
REST request attribute annotation.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with Attr on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
DTO for an HTML <audio> element.
Represents a parsed Authorization HTTP request header.
A dynamic object swap based on reflection of a Java class that converts objects to Lists.
A dynamic object swap based on reflection of a Java class that converts Objects to serializable Maps.
A dynamic object swap based on reflection of a Java class that converts Objects to Number serializable objects.
A dynamic object swap based on reflection of a Java class that converts Objects to serializable objects.
DTO for an HTML <b> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 400 (Bad Request).
DTO for an HTML <base> element.
Base class for implementations of HttpPartParser
Builder class.
Base class for implementations of HttpPartParserSession
Base class for implementations of HttpPartSerializer
Builder class.
Base class for implementations of HttpPartSerializerSession
An extension of AssertionError with helper constructors for messages with message-style arguments.
Simple implementation of the BeanDefMapper interface.
Category of headers that consist of a single boolean value.
A NameValuePair that consists of a single boolean value.
Basic implementation of a call logger.
A NameValuePair that consists of a comma-delimited list of string values.
Category of headers that consist of a comma-delimited list of string values.
Category of headers that consist of a single HTTP-date.
A NameValuePair that consist of a single HTTP-date.
Default implementation of the DebugEnablement interface.
Default implementation of a CallLogger that never logs REST calls.
Category of headers that consist of a single entity validator value.
Category of headers that consist of a comma-delimited list of entity validator values.
Subclass of non-runtime exceptions that take in a message and zero or more arguments.
Basic implementation of a FileFinder.
Basic REST group operation methods.
Superclass of all headers defined in this package.
Basic implementation of a HeaderIterator.
A basic template for the HTML doc serializer.
A basic HttpEntity implementation with additional features.
Basic implementation of the HttpResponse interface for error responses.
An extension of StandardHttpRequestRetryHandler that adds support for a retry interval.
Basic implementation of the HttpResponse interface.
Category of headers that consist of a single integer value.
A NameValuePair that consists of a single integer value.
Basic configuration for a REST resource that supports JSON 5 transport.
Basic configuration for a REST resource that supports JSON transport.
Basic configuration for a REST resource that supports JSON and HTML transport.
Category of headers that consist of a single long value.
A NameValuePair that consists of a single long value.
Category of headers that consist of multiple parameterized string values.
Category of headers that consist of a single parameterized string value.
Basic extensible microservice listener with default no-op method implementations.
Implementation of a named object.
Basic configuration for a REST resource that supports OpenAPI transport.
Implementation of NameValuePair for serializing POJOs as URL-encoded form post entries.
Basic implementation of a PartIterator.
Default property namer.
A basic HttpResource implementation with additional features.
Default HTTP call handler.
A default implementation of a RestCallInterceptor.
Identical to BasicRestServlet but doesn't extend from HttpServlet.
Identical to BasicRestServletGroup but doesn't extend from HttpServlet.
Basic REST operation methods.
Subclass of RestServlet with default settings and standard methods defined.
Specialized subclass of BasicRestServlet for showing "group" pages.
Subclass of runtime exceptions that take in a message and zero or more arguments.
Subclass of SpringRestServlet with default settings and standard methods defined.
Specialized subclass of BasicSpringRestServlet for showing "group" pages.
API for retrieving localized static files from either the classpath or file system.
A basic implementation of the StatusLine interface.
Category of headers that consist of a single string value.
A NameValuePair that consists of a single string value.
Category of headers that consist of simple comma-delimited lists of strings with q-values.
Basic implementation of a SwaggerProvider.
A single session of generating a Swagger document.
Default implementation of a CallLogger that only logs REST call errors unless no-log is enabled on the request.
Implementation of a CallLogger that captures log entries for testing logging itself.
Predefined configuration for a REST resource that supports all languages and provides common default configuration values.
Category of headers that consist of a single URL value.
A NameValuePair that consists of a single URL value.
DTO for an HTML <bdi> element.
DTO for an HTML <bdo> element.
Used to tailor how beans get interpreted by the framework.
Utility classes and methods for the @Bean annotation.
Applies targeted Bean annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Bean annotations.
Builder class.
Used for assertion calls against Java beans.
Base class for bean builders.
Maps constructor arguments to property names on beans with read-only properties.
Utility classes and methods for the @Beanc annotation.
Applies targeted Beanc annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Beanc annotations.
Builder class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in BeanContext and BeanTraverseContext.
Utility classes and methods for the @BeanConfig annotation.
Applies BeanConfig annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
Bean context.
Builder class.
Context class for classes that use BeanContext objects.
Builder class.
Utility class for creating beans through creator methods.
Utility class for creating beans through constructors, creator methods, and builders.
Interface used to retrieve identifiers and URIs for bean classes.
Represents the absence of a bean definition mapper class.
Simple serializable bean description.
Information about a bean property.
Represents a collection of bean classes that make up a bean dictionary.
Represents a map of dictionary type names to bean classes that make up a bean dictionary.
Utility class for comparing two versions of a POJO.
Builder class.
Parent class for all bean filters.
Builder class.
Ignore classes, fields, and methods from being interpreted as bean or bean components.
Utility classes and methods for the @BeanIgnore annotation.
Applies targeted BeanIgnore annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @BeanIgnore annotations.
Builder class.
Bean interceptor.
Non-existent bean interceptor.
Used for assertion calls against Java beans.
Java bean wrapper class.
Represents a single entry in a bean map.
Encapsulates all access to the properties of a bean class (like a souped-up BeanInfo).
Same as BeanMeta, except the list of bean properties are limited by a @Beanp(properties) annotation.
Used tailor how bean properties get interpreted by the framework.
Utility classes and methods for the @Beanp annotation.
Applies targeted Beanp annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Beanp annotations.
Builder class.
Represents a consumer of a single bean property value.
Contains metadata about a bean property.
BeanPropertyMeta builder class.
Represents a simple bean property value and the meta-data associated with it.
Provides an InvocationHandler for creating beans from bean interfaces.
Exception that indicates that a recursion was detected while traversing a POJO model.
A lookup table for resolving bean types by name.
General bean runtime operation exception.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of BeanContext.
Builder class.
Java bean store.
Builder class.
Non-existent bean store.
Represents a bean in a BeanStore.
Transforms beans into Strings by simply calling the Object.toString() method.
Parent class for all classes that traverse POJOs.
Builder class.
ContextSession that lives for the duration of a single use of BeanTraverseContext.
Builder class.
A linked hashmap with reverse key lookup by value.
Builder class.
Possible values for encoding of byte arrays as strings.
DTO for an HTML <blockquote> element.
DTO for an HTML <body> element.
Used for assertion calls against booleans.
ServletInputStream wrapper around a normal input stream with support for limiting input.
DTO for an HTML <br> element.
Identifies a class as a builder for a POJO class.
Identifies a class as being a builder for a bean class.
Specialized transform for builder classes.
DTO for an HTML <button> element.
Used for assertion calls against byte arrays.
A repeatable entity that obtains its content from a byte array.
A repeatable resource that obtains its content from a byte array.
Transforms byte[] arrays to Strings.
Converts byte arrays to BASE-64 encoding.
Converts byte arrays to hex encoding.
Converts byte arrays to spaced-hex encoding.
Simple in-memory cache of objects.
Builder class.
Represents a parsed Cache-Control HTTP request header.
Wraps an HttpServletRequest and preloads the content into memory for debugging purposes.
Wraps an HttpServletResponse and caches the output stream in a separate buffer for debugging purposes.
Basic implementation of a CallLogger for logging HTTP requests.
Builder class.
Represents a logging rule used by CallLogger.
Builder class.
Represents the amount of detail to include in a log entry for HTTP requests and responses.
DTO for an HTML <canvas> element.
DTO for an HTML <caption> element.
Represents an atomCategory construct in the RFC4287 specification.
A subclass of Marshaller for character-based serializers and parsers.
Similar to StringReader except reads from a generic CharSequenceReader.
A POJO structure that describes the list of child resources associated with a resource.
DTO for an HTML <cite> element.
Lightweight utility class for introspecting information about a class.
A wrapper class around the Class object that provides cached information about that class.
General class metadata runtime operation exception.
Classpath-based storage location for configuration files.
Builder class.
Transforms Class objects to and from Strings.
Class-related utility methods.
Represents a parsed Client-Version HTTP request header.
Specialized matcher for matching client versions.
A basic variable resolver that returns the first non-null value.
DTO for an HTML <code> element.
DTO for an HTML <col> element.
DTO for an HTML <colgroup> element.
Used for assertion calls against collections objects.
Static strings used for Swagger parameter collection format types.
Utility methods for collections.
Represents an atomCommonAttributes construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Parent class of Entry, Feed, and Source.
Used for assertion calls against comparable objects.
Main configuration API class.
Builder class.
Implements the 'config' console command to get or set configuration.
Represents a change to a config.
Listener that can be used to listen for change events in config maps.
Represents a list of ConfigEvent objects.
Possible event types for the ConfigEvent class.
An exception that typically occurs when trying to perform an invalid operation on a configuration property.
Represents the parsed contents of a configuration.
Represents a single entry in a configuration.
Shows contents of the microservice configuration file.
Represents a storage location for configuration files.
Builder class.
Listens for changes to stored config files.
Config file variable resolver.
Exception representing an HTTP 409 (Conflict).
Represents a parsed Connection HTTP request header.
A utility for logging formatted messages to the console.
Implements a command that can be invoked from the console of the microservice.
HTTP-Part constants.
Lightweight utility class for introspecting information about a constructor.
Functional interface for consumers of 2-part arguments.
Functional interface for consumers of 3-part arguments.
Functional interface for consumers of 4-part arguments.
Utilities when working with Predicates and Consumers.
Contact information for the exposed API.
Contact information for the exposed API.
Swagger contact annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @Contact annotation.
Builder class.
Represents an atomContent construct in the RFC4287 specification.
REST request body annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @Content annotation.
Applies targeted Content annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Content annotations.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with Content on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Represents a parsed Content-Disposition HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed Content-Encoding HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Content-Language HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Content-Length HTTP request/response header.
Represents a parsed Content-Location HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Content-Range HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Content-Type HTTP request/response header.
Widget that returns back a list of hyperlinks for rendering the contents of a page in a variety of content types.
Base class for all Context beans.
Builder class.
Applied to Config annotations to identify the class used to push the values into a property store.
Utility class for instantiating a Context bean.
General runtime operation exception that can occur in any of the context classes.
A one-time-use non-thread-safe object that's meant to be used once and then thrown away.
Builder class.
Represents an HTTP 100 Continue response.
An array list that allows you to control whether it's read-only via a constructor parameter.
Utility class for efficiently converting objects between types.
A simple list of Cookie objects.
Represents an HTTP 201 Created response.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by CsvSerializer and CsvParser.
A pairing of a CsvSerializer and CsvParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Utility classes and methods for the @Csv annotation.
Applies targeted Csv annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @Csv annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the CSV serializers and parsers pulled from the @Csv annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the CSV serializers and parsers pulled from the @Csv annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in CsvSerializer and CsvParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @CsvConfig annotation.
Applies CsvConfig annotations to a CsvParser.Builder.
Applies CsvConfig annotations to a CsvSerializer.Builder.
Interface for providing access to CsvClassMeta and CsvBeanPropertyMeta objects.
TODO - Work in progress.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of CsvParser.
Builder class.
TODO - Work in progress.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of CsvSerializer.
Builder class.
Specialized writer for serializing CSV.
DTO for an HTML <data> element.
DTO for an HTML <datalist> element.
Represents a parsed Date HTTP request/response header.
Used for assertion calls against Date objects.
A utility class for parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.
DTO for an HTML <dd> element.
Represents a parsed Debug HTTP request/response header.
Interface used for selectively turning on debug per request.
Builder class.
A reflection map for the Enablement setting.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods by retrieving them by type from the REST object bean store.
A list of default implementation classes.
Predefined REST configuration that defines common default values for all configurations.
Predefined REST configuration that defines common default values for HTML Doc serializers.
Wraps a TemporalAccessor to provide default values wherever possible instead of throwing unsupported field exceptions.
Interface for the resolution of vars with a default value if the resolve() method returns null.
A list of default settings.
Maintain the list of default swaps used by all serializers and parsers.
DTO for an HTML <del> element.
An object that represents another object, often wrapping that object.
Represents a wrapped BeanMap where property values can be overridden, removed, or reordered without affecting the underlying bean.
Represents a wrapped Collection where entries in the list can be removed or reordered without affecting the underlying list.
DelegateMap<T extends Map>
Represents a wrapped Map where entries in the map can be removed without affecting the underlying map.
Identifies an arbitrary detail level such as the detail of log messages.
DTO for an HTML <dfn> element.
REST resource that allows access to a file system directory.
Used to aid in serialization, deserialization, and validation.
DTO for an HTML <div> element.
DTO for an HTML <dl> element.
DTO for an HTML <dt> element.
Sample class which shows the usage of DTO module which is a Sub module of the core.
Sample REST resource showing how to implement a nested "router" resource page.
Represents an HTTP 103 Early Hints response.
Implements an 'echo' console command that simply returns the command arguments as a comma-delimited list.
DTO for an HTML <em> element.
DTO for an HTML <embed> element.
Represents the enablement settings of a feature.
Used for enabling decompression on requests and compression on responses, such as support for GZIP compression.
Represents a encoder and encoding that matches an HTTP Accept-Encoding header value.
Represents the set of encoders keyed by codings.
Builder class.
An identifier that the previous encoders in this group should be inherited.
An identifier that the previous encoders in this group should not be inherited.
Represents a validator value.
A list of EntityTag beans.
A single entry in a Config file.
Represents an atomEntry construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Transforms Enumerations to List<Object> objects.
Environment variable variable resolver.
Represents possible values for number and date comparisons.
Represents a parsed ETag HTTP response header.
Identifies examples for POJOs.
information for Examples object.
Utility classes and methods for the @Example annotation.
Applies targeted Example annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Example annotations.
Builder class.
Builder class for Exception objects.
General exception that occurs when trying to execute a constructor, method, or field using reflection.
Contains common methods between ConstructorInfo and MethodInfo.
Implements the 'exit' console command to gracefully shut down the microservice and JVM.
Represents a parsed Expect HTTP request header.
Exception representing an HTTP 417 (Expectation Failed).
Represents a parsed Expires HTTP response header.
Defines extended language-specific metadata associated with a bean.
Defines extended language-specific metadata associated with a bean property.
Defines extended language-specific metadata associated with a class.
Superclass of all extended metadata classes.
An extension of MimetypesFileTypeMap that includes many more media types.
Swagger external documentation annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @ExternalDocs annotation.
Builder class.
Allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.
Allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.
Exception representing an HTTP 424 (Failed Dependency).
Top-level ATOM feed object.
Lightweight utility class for introspecting information about a field.
DTO for an HTML <fieldset> element.
DTO for an HTML <figcaption> element.
DTO for an HTML <figure> element.
A repeatable entity that obtains its content from a File.
Utility class for finding regular or localized files on the classpath and file system.
Builder class.
Represents no file finder
Utility class for creating FileReader objects.
A repeatable resource that obtains its content from a File.
Filesystem-based storage location for configuration files.
Builder class.
File utilities.
File resource variable resolver
Utility class for creating FileWriter objects.
Wrapper around a map where the key names are overridden.
Interface that identifies an output stream has having a finish() method.
A wrapped PrintWriter with an added finish() method.
A wrapped ServletOutputStream with an added finish() method.
A simple settable boolean value.
Used for assertion calls against generic POJOs.
Used for fluent assertion calls against array objects.
Parent class of all fluent assertion calls.
Used for fluent assertion calls against Java beans.
Used for fluent assertion calls against lists of beans.
Used for fluent assertion calls against booleans.
Used for fluent assertion calls against byte arrays.
Used for fluent assertion calls against collections objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against comparable objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against dates.
Used for fluent assertion calls against integers.
Used for fluent assertion calls against lists.
Used for fluent assertion calls against longs.
Used for fluent assertion calls against maps.
Used for fluent assertion calls against POJOs.
Used for fluent assertion calls against primitive array objects (e.g.
Used for fluent assertion calls against ProtocolVersion objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against RequestContent objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against RequestFormParam objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against RequestHeader objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against RequestLine objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against RequestQueryParam objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against ResponseContent objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against ResponseHeader objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against a response StatusLine object.
Identifies a method as a configurable property setter.
Used in conjunction with the ConfigurablePropertyCodeGenerator class to synchronize and copy fluent setters from parent classes to child classes.
Used for fluent assertion calls against strings.
Used for fluent assertion calls against lists of strings.
Used for fluent assertion calls against throwables.
Used for fluent assertion calls against Version objects.
Used for fluent assertion calls against ZonedDateTime objects.
DTO for an HTML <footer> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 403 (Forbidden).
DTO for an HTML <form> element.
Static strings used for Swagger parameter format types.
REST request form-data annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @FormData annotation.
Applies targeted FormData annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @FormData annotations.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with FormData on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Represents a parsed Forwarded HTTP request header.
Represents an HTTP 302 Found response.
Represents a parsed From HTTP request header.
A function that takes in 2 arguments.
A function that takes in 3 arguments.
A function that takes in 4 arguments.
A subclass of ObjectSwap that allows swap and unswap methods to be defined as functions.
Represents an atomGenerator construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Exception representing an HTTP 410 ().
Encoder for handling "gzip" encoding and decoding.
DTO for an HTML <h1> element.
DTO for an HTML <h2> element.
DTO for an HTML <h3> element.
DTO for an HTML <h4> element.
DTO for an HTML <h5> element.
DTO for an HTML <h6> element.
REST has-form-data annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @HasFormData annotation.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters annotated with HasFormData on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Utility class for generating integer hash codes.
Represents a list of objects used to compare objects for equality.
REST has-query-parameter annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @HasQuery annotation.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters annotated with HasQuery on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
DTO for an HTML <head> element.
DTO for an HTML <header> element.
REST request header annotation.
Identifies a class that can be converted to a Header object.
Utility classes and methods for the @Header annotation.
Applies targeted Header annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Header annotations.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with Header on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Holds metadata about header beans (POJOs that get serialized as HTTP headers).
Describes a single HTTP header.
Describes a single HTTP header.
A simple list of HTTP headers with various convenience methods.
Represents no header list in annotations.
Sample REST resource that prints out a simple "Hello world!" message.
Implements the 'restart' console command to gracefully shut down and restart the microservice.
Represents a parsed Host HTTP request header.
DTO for an HTML <hr> element.
DTO for an HTML <html> element.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by HtmlSerializer.
A pairing of a HtmlSerializer and HtmlParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Utility classes and methods for the @Html annotation.
Applies targeted Html annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @Html annotations.
Builder class.
Defines the Java classes that make up the HTML DTO type dictionary.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the HTML serializers and parsers pulled from the @Html annotation on the bean property.
Sample resource that allows images to be uploaded and retrieved.
Various useful static methods for creating HTML elements.
Metadata on classes specific to the HTML serializers and parsers pulled from the @Html annotation on the class.
Sample class which shows the complex usage of HtmlSerializer and HtmlParser.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in HtmlSerializer, HtmlParser, and HtmlDocSerializer.
Utility classes and methods for the @HtmlConfig annotation.
Applies HtmlConfig annotations to a HtmlParser.Builder.
Applies HtmlConfig annotations to a HtmlSerializer.Builder.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in HtmlSerializer, HtmlParser, and HtmlDocSerializer.
Utility classes and methods for the @HtmlDocConfig annotation.
Applies HtmlDocConfig annotations to a HtmlDocSerializer.Builder.
Serializes POJOs to HTTP responses as HTML documents.
Builder class.
Context object that lives for the duration of a single serialization of HtmlSerializer and its subclasses.
Builder class.
Defines the interface for rendering the contents of an HTML page produced by the HtmlDocSerializer serializer.
Represents a non-existent doc template.
Superclass for all HTML elements.
A subclass of HTML elements that contain only other elements, not text.
A subclass of HTML elements that contain mixed content (elements and text).
A subclass of HTML elements that contain raw text only.
A subclass of HTML elements that contain text only.
A subclass of HTML elements that have no content or end tags.
Identifies possible values for the Html.format() annotation.
Used in conjunction with the HtmlSerializer class to define hyperlinks.
Utility classes and methods for the @HtmlLink annotation.
Applies targeted HtmlLink annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @HtmlLink annotations.
Builder class.
Interface for providing access to HtmlClassMeta and HtmlBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Parses text generated by the HtmlSerializer class back into a POJO model.
Builder class.
ContextSession object that lives for the duration of a single use of HtmlParser.
Builder class.
Allows custom rendering of bean property values when serialized as HTML.
Serializes POJO metamodels to HTML.
Builder class.
Context object that lives for the duration of a single serialization of HtmlSchemaDocSerializer and its subclasses.
Builder class.
Serializes POJO metamodels to HTML.
Builder class.
Default serializer, with whitespace.
Default serializer, single quotes, simple mode.
Default serializer, single quotes, simple mode, with whitespace.
Context object that lives for the duration of a single serialization of HtmlSchemaSerializer and its subclasses.
Builder class.
Serializes POJO models to HTML.
Builder class.
Default serializer, single quotes.
Default serializer, single quotes, whitespace added.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of HtmlSerializer.
Builder class.
Sample class which shows the simple usage of HtmlSerializer and HtmlParser.
Serializes POJOs to HTTP responses as stripped HTML.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of HtmlStrippedDocSerializer.
Builder class.
An object that gets serialized as raw XML by the XML and HTML serializers.
Defines an interface for resolvers of "$W{...}" string variables.
A collection of HtmlWidget objects keyed by their names.
HTML widget variable resolver.
Specialized writer for serializing HTML.
Standard predefined HTTP entities.
Response handler for HttpEntity objects.
Standard predefined HTTP headers.
Represents valid HTTP 1.1 method name static strings per the RFC 2616 spec.
Represents an instance of an HTTP part.
Valid values for the collectionFormat field.
Valid values for the type field.
Valid values for the format field.
Interface used to convert HTTP headers, query parameters, form-data parameters, and URI path variables to POJOs
A creator for a part parser.
Represent "no" part parser.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of HttpPartParser.
Standard predefined HTTP parts.
Represents an OpenAPI schema definition.
Builder class.
Interface used to convert POJOs to simple strings in HTTP headers, query parameters, form-data parameters, and URI path variables.
A creator for a part serializer.
Represent "no" part part serializer.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of HttpPartSerializer.
Represents possible enum values that can be passed to the HttpPartSerializerSession.serialize(HttpPartType, HttpPartSchema, Object).
An extension of an HttpEntity that also includes arbitrary headers.
Response handler for HttpResource objects.
Standard predefined HTTP resources.
Response handler for HttpResponse objects.
Standard predefined HTTP responses.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the HttpServletRequest object.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the HttpServletResponse object.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the HttpSession object.
HTTP utilities.
Exception representing an HTTP 505 ().
Defines a simple hyperlink class.
DTO for an HTML <i> element.
Represents an atomIcon construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Represents an atomId construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Encoder for handling "identity" encoding and decoding.
Represents a parsed If-Match HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed If-Modified-Since HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed If-None-Match HTTP request header.
DTO for an HTML <iframe> element.
Represents a parsed If-Range HTTP request header.
Represents a parsed If-Unmodified-Since HTTP request header.
A basic if-else logic variable resolver.
Example parser that converts byte streams to BufferedImage objects.
Example serializer that converts BufferedImage objects to byte streams.
DTO for an HTML <img> element.
Represents an HTTP 226 IM Used response.
The object provides metadata about the API.
The object provides metadata about the API.
Dummy class that indicates that serializers, parsers, or transforms should be inherited from parent-class-to-class or class-to-method.
DTO for an HTML <input> element.
Subclass of Parser for byte-based parsers.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters of type InputStreamParser on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Subclass of parser session objects for byte-based parsers.
Builder class.
Response processor for InputStream objects.
Transforms InputStreams to Strings.
Converts InputStreams to BASE-64 encoding.
Converts InputStreams to hex encoding.
Converts InputStreams to spaced-hex encoding.
DTO for an HTML <ins> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 507 ().
Used for assertion calls against integers.
Exception representing an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error).
Converter for enablement of ObjectIntrospector support on response objects returned by a @RestOp-annotated method.
A simple settable integer value.
Defines an invalid usage of an annotation.
General invalid conversion exception.
Various I/O related utility methods.
Swagger items annotation.
A limited subset of JSON-Schema's items object.
A limited subset of JSON-Schema's items object.
Utility classes and methods for the @Items annotation.
Builder class.
Transforms Iterators to List<Object> objects.
Annotation for specifying various JSON options for the JSON serializers and parsers.
A pairing of a JsonSerializer and JsonParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
A pairing of a Json5Serializer and JsonParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Parses any valid JSON text into a POJO model.
Serializes POJO models to Simplified JSON.
Default serializer, single quotes, simple mode, with whitespace.
Utility classes and methods for the @Json annotation.
Applies targeted Json annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @Json annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the JSON serializers and parsers pulled from the @Json annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the JSON serializers and parsers pulled from the @Json annotation on the class.
Sample class which shows the complex usage of JsonSerializer and JsonParser.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in JsonSerializer and JsonParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @JsonConfig annotation.
Applies JsonConfig annotations to a JsonParser.Builder.
Applies JsonConfig annotations to a JsonSerializer.Builder.
Json configuration example.
Java implementation of a JSON array.
Java implementation of a JSON object.
Interface for providing access to JsonClassMeta and JsonBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Parses any valid JSON text into a POJO model.
Builder class.
Default parser, strict mode.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of JsonParser.
Builder class.
Represents a top-level schema object bean in the JSON-Schema core specification.
Used during parsing to convert the additionalItems property to the correct class type.
Used during parsing to convert the additionalProperties property to the correct class type.
Used during parsing to convert the items property to the correct class type.
Used during parsing to convert the type property to the correct class type.
Represents a list of JsonSchema objects.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the JSON-Schema pulled from the @Schema annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the JSON-Schema serializer and pulled from the @Schema annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in JsonSchemaGenerator.
Utility classes and methods for the @JsonSchemaConfig annotation.
Generates JSON-schema metadata about POJOs.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of JsonSchemaSerializer.
Builder class.
A container for retrieving JSON JsonSchema objects by URI.
Interface for providing access to JsonSchemaClassMeta and JsonSchemaBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Represents a JSON property in the JSON-Schema core specification.
Convenience class for representing a property that's an array of simple types.
Convenience class for representing a schema reference such as "{'$ref':'/url/to/ref'}".
Sample resource that shows how to serialize JSON-Schema documents.
Serializes POJO metadata to HTTP responses as JSON-Schema.
Builder class.
Default serializer, with whitespace.
Default serializer, single quotes, simple mode.
Default serializer, single quotes, simple mode, with whitespace.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of JsonSchemaSerializer.
Builder class.
Serializes POJO models to JSON.
Builder class.
Default serializer, with whitespace.
Default serializer, single quotes, simple mode, with whitespace and recursion detection.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of JsonSerializer.
Builder class.
Sample class which shows the simple usage of JsonSerializer and JsonParser.
Represents possible JSON types in the JSON-Schema core specification.
Represents a list of JsonType objects.
Specialized writer for serializing JSON.
DTO for an HTML <kbd> element.
DTO for an HTML <keygen> element.
Stores a set of language keywords for quick lookup.
DTO for an HTML <label> element.
Represents a parsed Last-Modified HTTP response header.
DTO for an HTML <legend> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 411 ().
A transformational variable resolver that returns character count or list count (using given delimiter).
DTO for an HTML <li> element.
License information for the exposed API.
License information for the exposed API.
Swagger license annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @License annotation.
Builder class.
Represents an atomLink construct in the RFC4287 specification.
DTO for an HTML <link> element.
information for Link object.
Simple bean that implements a hyperlink for the HTML serializer.
Used for assertion calls against lists.
Builder for lists.
Identifies how to add elements to a list.
Identifies a directory located either on the classpath or file system.
Transforms Locale objects to and from language tag Strings.
Identifies a file located either on the classpath or file system.
Localized string variable resolver.
Represents a parsed Location HTTP response header.
Exception representing an HTTP 423 (Locked).
Can be used for configuration of simple logging in the microservice.
Log entry formatter.
Represents an atomLogo construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Utility class for reading log files.
REST resource for viewing and accessing log files.
Used for assertion calls against longs.
Exception representing an HTTP 508 (Loop Detected).
Lower-case variable resolver.
DTO for an HTML <main> element.
Utility class for working with Jar manifest files.
Manifest file entries variable resolver.
DTO for an HTML <map> element.
Used for assertion calls against lists.
Builder for maps.
Abstract subclass for object swaps that swap objects for object maps.
A subclass of DefaultingVar that simply pulls values from a Map.
DTO for an HTML <mark> element.
Annotation that can be applied to classes to control how they are marshalled.
Utility classes and methods for the @Marshalled annotation.
Applies targeted Marshalled annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Marshalled annotations.
Builder class.
Parent class for all non-bean filters.
Builder class.
Top-level class for a pairing of a Serializer and Parser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Common interface for matchers used by the ObjectSearcher class.
Transforms MatchResults to List objects.
Represents a parsed Max-Forwards HTTP request header.
Describes a single type used in content negotiation between an HTTP client and server, as described in Section 14.1 and 14.7 of RFC2616 (the HTTP/1.1 specification).
A parsed Accept or similar header value.
Describes a single media type used in content negotiation between an HTTP client and server, as described in Section 14.1 and 14.7 of RFC2616 (the HTTP/1.1 specification).
Filesystem-based storage location for configuration files.
Builder class.
A subclass of widgets for rendering menu items with drop-down windows.
An enhanced ResourceBundle.
Builder class.
DTO for an HTML <meta> element.
DTO for an HTML <meter> element.
Annotation that can be applied to a parameter of a @RestOp annotated method to identify it as the HTTP method.
Resolves method parameters annotated with Method on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Method execution statistics.
Builder class.
Method execution statistics database.
Builder class.
Lightweight utility class for introspecting information about a method.
A wrapper around a Method.invoke(Object, Object...) method that allows for basic instrumentation.
A simple list of Method objects.
Exception representing an HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed).
Parent class for all microservices.
Builder class.
Listener class for microservice lifecycle events.
Exception representing an HTTP 421 (Misdirected Request).
A capturing PrintStream that allows you to easily capture console output.
An implementation of HttpSession for mocking purposes.
Simplified logger for intercepting and asserting logging messages.
Mocked RestClient.
Builder class.
A subclass of RestRequest with additional features for mocked testing.
A subclass of RestResponse with additional features for mocked testing.
A mutable implementation of HttpServletRequest for mocking purposes.
An implementation of HttpServletResponse for mocking purposes.
Specifies an entry modifier that is used to encode during write and decode during read of config entries.
Represents an HTTP 301 Moved Permanently response.
A pairing of a MsgPackSerializer and MsgPackParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by MsgPackSerializer and MsgPackParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @MsgPack annotation.
Applies targeted MsgPack annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @MsgPack annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the MessagePack serializers and parsers pulled from the @MsgPack annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the MessagePack serializers and parsers pulled from the @MsgPack annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in MsgPackSerializer and MsgPackParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @MsgPackConfig annotation.
Applies MsgPackConfig annotations to a MsgPackParser.Builder.
Applies MsgPackConfig annotations to a MsgPackSerializer.Builder.
Specialized input stream for parsing MessagePack streams.
Interface for providing access to MsgPackClassMeta and MsgPackBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Specialized output stream for serializing MessagePack streams.
Parses a MessagePack stream into a POJO model.
Default parser, string input encoded as BASE64.
Builder class.
Default parser, string input encoded as spaced-hex.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of MsgPackParser.
Builder class.
Serializes POJO models to MessagePack.
Default serializer, BASE64 string output.
Builder class.
Default serializer, spaced-hex string output.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of MsgPackSerializer.
Builder class.
Predefined matcher for matching requests with content type "multipart/form-data".
Interface for the resolution of vars that can have one or more keys where the first non-null resolution is returned.
Interface for the resolution of vars that consist of a comma-delimited list.
Represents an HTTP 300 Multiple Choices response.
Encapsulates multiple collections so they can be iterated over as if they were all part of the same collection.
Represents an HTTP 207 Multi-Status response.
An interface for creating objects from other objects such as a String or Reader.
Cache of object that convert POJOs to and from common types such as strings, readers, and input streams.
Annotation that can be used on method parameters to identify their name.
Annotation that identifies a differentiating name for a bean.
A simple named object.
A list of NamedAttribute objects.
Identifies a setter as a method for setting the name of a POJO as it's known by its parent object.
Utility classes and methods for the @NameProperty annotation.
Applies targeted NameProperty annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @NameProperty annotations.
Builder class.
Represents a simple namespace mapping between a simple name and URI.
Identifies a class that can be converted to a NameValuePair object.
DTO for an HTML <nav> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 511 (Network Authentication Required).
Wraps an existing OutputStream where the NoCloseOutputStream.close() method is a no-op.
Wraps an existing Writer where the NoCloseWriter.close() method is a no-op.
Represents an HTTP 204 No Content response.
Represents an HTTP 203 Non-Authoritative Information response.
Dummy class that indicates that serializers, parsers, or transforms for a Java class or method should not be inherited.
DTO for an HTML <noscript> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 406 (Not Acceptable).
Upper-case variable resolver.
Exception representing an HTTP 510 (Not Extended).
Exception representing an HTTP 404 (Not Found).
Exception representing an HTTP 501 (Not Implemented).
Represents an HTTP 304 Not Modified response.
Represents a parsed No-Trace HTTP request header.
Number matcher factory for the ObjectSearcher class.
Sample class which shows the simple usage of OpenApiSerializer.
information for Link object.
Describes a single operation parameter.
DTO for an HTML <object> element.
Used for assertion calls against arbitrary POJOs.
POJO method introspector.
POJO merger.
POJO model paginator.
Generic exception thrown from the ObjectRest class.
POJO model searcher.
POJO model sorter.
Used to swap out non-serializable objects with serializable replacements during serialization, and vis-versa during parsing.
Interface for classes that convert POJOs in some way using some predefined arguments object.
Various generic object utility methods.
POJO model viewer.
Represents an HTTP 200 OK response.
DTO for an HTML <ol> element.
A pairing of a OpenApiSerializer and OpenApiParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by OpenApiSerializer and OpenApiParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @OpenApi annotation.
Applies targeted OpenApi annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @OpenApi annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the OpenAPI serializers and parsers pulled from the @OpenApi annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the OpenApi serializers and parsers pulled from the @OpenApi annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in MsgPackSerializer and MsgPackParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @OpenApiConfig annotation.
Applies OpenApiConfig annotations to a OpenApiParser.Builder.
Applies OpenApiConfig annotations to a OpenApiSerializer.Builder.
Root class for all Swagger beans.
Interface for providing access to OpenApiClassMeta and OpenApiBeanPropertyMeta objects.
OpenAPI part parser.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of OpenApiParser.
Builder class.
Serializes POJOs to values suitable for transmission as HTTP headers, query/form-data parameters, and path variables.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of OpenApiSerializer.
Builder class.
Describes a single API operation on a path.
Map meant for method-name/operation mappings.
Extended annotation for RestOp.swagger().
Utility classes and methods for the @OpSwagger annotation.
Builder class.
DTO for an HTML <optgroup> element.
DTO for an HTML <option> element.
Represents a parsed Origin HTTP request header.
DTO for an HTML <output> element.
Subclass of Serializer for byte-based serializers.
Builder class.
Subclass of SerializerSession for stream-based serializers.
Builder class.
DTO for an HTML <p> element.
Arguments passed to ObjectPaginator.
DTO for an HTML <param> element.
Describes a single operation parameter.
Static strings used for Swagger parameter formats.
Identifies the possible values for the UonSerializer.Builder.paramFormat(ParamFormat) setting.
Lightweight utility class for introspecting information about a method parameter.
Identifies a setter as a method for adding a parent reference to a child object.
Utility classes and methods for the @ParentProperty annotation.
Applies targeted ParentProperty annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
Builder class.
Transforms the contents of a Reader into an Object.
Reader transform for reading HTML text.
Reader transform for reading JSON text.
Reader transform for reading plain text.
Reader transform for reading plain text.
Reader transform for reading plain text.
Reader transform for reading XML text.
Exception that indicates invalid syntax encountered during parsing.
Parent class for all Juneau parsers.
Builder class.
Represents no Parser.
Resolves method parameters of type Parser on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in Parser, InputStreamParser, and ReaderParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @ParserConfig annotation.
Applies ParserConfig annotations to a InputStreamParser.Builder.
Applies ParserConfig annotations to a Parser.Builder.
Applies ParserConfig annotations to a ReaderParser.Builder.
Input stream meant to be used as input for stream-based parsers.
Class for listening for certain parse events during a document parse.
Represents no parser listener.
Represents a parser and media type that matches an HTTP Content-Type header value.
A wrapper around an object that a parser reads its input from.
Similar to a PushbackReader with a pushback buffer of 1 character.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of Parser.
Builder class.
Represents a group of Parsers that can be looked up by media type.
Builder class.
An identifier that the previous entries in this group should be inherited.
An identifier that the previous entries in this group should not be inherited.
Holds metadata about http part beans (POJOs that get serialized as HTTP parts such as form data or query parameters).
Represents an HTTP 206 Partial Content response.
A type-safe iterator for NameValuePair objects.
An simple list of HTTP parts (form-data, query-parameters, path-parameters).
Represents no part list in annotations.
REST request path annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @Path annotation.
Applies targeted Path annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Path annotations.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with Path on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Indicates an invalid search pattern was specified.
A transformational variable that returns matched regex groups by given index.
A logical variable resolver that resolves to "true if a pattern matches.
A transformational variable resolver that replaces matched patterns with given characters.
Exception representing an HTTP 413 (Payload Too Large).
Represents an HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect response.
Represents an atomPersonConstruct construct in the RFC4287 specification.
Sample resource that allows images to be uploaded and retrieved.
Bean class for storing photos
A pairing of a PlainTextSerializer and PlainTextParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by PlainTextSerializer and PlainTextParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @PlainText annotation.
Applies targeted PlainText annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @PlainText annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the PlainText serializers and parsers pulled from the @PlainText annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the PlainText serializers and parsers pulled from the @PlainText annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in PlainTextSerializer and PlainTextParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @PlainTextConfig annotation.
Applies PlainTextConfig annotations to a PlainTextParser.Builder.
Interface for providing access to PlainTextClassMeta and PlainTextBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Parsers HTTP plain text request bodies into Group 5 POJOs.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of PlainTextParser.
Builder class.
Response handler for plain-old Java objects when a serializer match is not found and they're asking for plain/text or anything.
Serializes POJOs to plain text using just the toString() method on the serialized object.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of PlainTextSerializer.
Builder class.
Sample pojo class.
Complex Pojo class.
Identifies a position in a reader or input stream.
Interface for objects with positions (lines/columns/byte-positions for example).
Widget that places a powered-by-Apache message on the page.
Widget that places a powered-by-Juneau message on the page.
Represents a parsed Pragma HTTP request/response header.
DTO for an HTML <pre> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 412 (Precondition Failed).
Exception representing an HTTP 428 (Precondition Required).
Used for assertion calls against arrays.
Represents an HTTP 102 Processing response.
DTO for an HTML <progress> element.
Defines an API for converting conventional bean property names to some other form.
Represents a non-existent class.
Converts property names to dashed-lower-case format.
Converts property names to dashed-upper-case-start format.
Converts property names to underscore-lower-case format.
Represents a parsed Proxy-Authenticate HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Proxy-Authorization HTTP request header.
DTO for an HTML <q> element.
REST request form-data annotation.
Converter for enabling of search/view/sort/page support on response objects returned by a @RestOp-annotated method.
Utility classes and methods for the @Query annotation.
Applies targeted Query annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Query annotations.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with Query on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Widget that returns a menu-item drop-down form for entering search/view/sort arguments.
Represents a parsed Range HTTP request header.
Exception representing an HTTP 416 (Range Not Satisfiable).
DTO for an HTML <rb> element.
A streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an Reader.
InputStream implementation that reads a character stream from a Reader and transforms it to a byte stream using a specified charset encoding.
Subclass of Parser for characters-based parsers.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters of type ReaderParser on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Subclass of parser session objects for character-based parsers.
Builder class.
Response processor for Reader objects.
A streamed, non-repeatable resource that obtains its content from an Reader.
Transforms Readers to Strings.
Represents a parsed Referer HTTP request header.
Identifies possible modifiers on classes, methods, fields, and constructors.
Allows arbitrary objects to be mapped to classes and methods base on class/method name keys.
Builder class.
Identifies a proxy against a REST interface.
Annotation applied to Java methods on REST proxy interface classes.
Annotation applied to Java methods on REST proxy interface classes.
Contains the meta-data about a REST proxy class.
Exceptions caused by invalid REST proxy classes.
Annotation applied to Java methods on REST proxy interface classes.
Represents the metadata about an annotated argument of a method on a REST proxy class.
Represents the metadata about an Request-annotated argument of a method on a REST proxy class.
Contains the meta-data about a Java method on a REST proxy class.
Represents the metadata about the returned object of a method on a remote proxy interface.
Annotation applied to Java methods on REST proxy interface classes.
Annotation applied to Java methods on REST proxy interface classes.
Annotation applied to Java methods on REST proxy interface classes.
Possible values for the @RemoteOp(returns) annotation.
Request bean annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @Request annotation.
Applies targeted Request annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Request annotations.
Builder class.
Represents a single request attribute on an HTTP request.
Represents the attributes in an HTTP request.
Request attribute variable resolver.
Resolves method parameters annotated with Request on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Represents the metadata gathered from a parameter or class annotated with Request.
Represents the metadata gathered from a getter method of a class annotated with Request.
Contains the content of the HTTP request.
Sample REST resource for echoing HttpServletRequests back to the browser.
Request form data variable resolver.
Represents a single form-data parameter on an HTTP request.
Represents the parsed form-data parameters in an HTTP request.
Represents a single header on an HTTP request.
Exception representing an HTTP 431 (Request Header Fields Too Large).
Represents the headers in an HTTP request.
Request header variable resolver.
Represents a single HTTP part on an HTTP request.
Represents a single path parameter on an HTTP request.
Represents the path parameters in an HTTP request.
Request path variable resolver.
Represents a single query parameter on an HTTP request.
Represents the query parameters in an HTTP request.
Request query variable resolver.
Rest info variable resolver.
Request attribute variable resolver.
Represents an HTTP 205 Reset Content response.
Subclass of an JsonMap that automatically resolves any SVL variables in values.
Class-related utility methods.
Shortcut label for child resources.
A list of ResourceDescription objects.
A supplier of a REST resource bean.
REST response annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @Response annotation.
Applies targeted Response annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Response annotations.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters and parameter types annotated with Response on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Represents the metadata gathered from a parameter or class annotated with Response.
Response handler for @Response-annotated objects.
Represents the metadata gathered from a getter method of a class annotated with Response.
Resolves method parameters annotated with StatusCode on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Represents the body of an HTTP response.
Represents a single header on an HTTP response.
Resolves method parameters annotated with Header of type Value representing response headers on RestOp-annotated Java methods.
Describes a single response from an API Operation.
Represents the information needed to serialize a response part such as a response header or content.
Defines the interface for processors that convert POJOs to appropriate HTTP responses.
A list of ResponseProcessor objects.
Builder class.
An implementation of StatusLine that adds assertions methods.
Used to denote that a class is a REST resource and to associate metadata on it.
Utility classes and methods for the @Rest annotation.
Builder class.
Applies Rest annotations to a RestContext.Builder.
Applies Rest annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
Implements the 'restart' console command to gracefully shut down and restart the microservice.
Exception representing a 400+ HTTP response code against a remote resource or other exception.
Interface that allows you to override the handling of HTTP requests.
Used to intercept http connection responses to allow modification of that response before processing and for listening for call lifecycle events.
Represents a simple child REST resource / path mapping.
Represents a matched Rest-annotated child on an HTTP request.
Implements the child resources of a Rest-annotated class.
Builder class.
Utility class for interfacing with remote REST interfaces.
Builder class.
Defines the initial configuration of a RestServlet or @Rest annotated object.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the RestContext object.
A snapshot of execution statistics for REST resource classes.
REST method response converter.
A list of RestConverter objects.
Builder class.
Identifies a REST DELETE operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestDelete annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestDelete annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
Identifies a method that gets called during servlet destroy.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestDestroy annotation.
A collection of @RestDestroy annotations.
Builder class.
Identifies a method that gets called right before we exit the servlet service method.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestEndCall annotation.
A collection of @RestEndCall annotations.
Builder class.
Identifies a REST GET operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestGet annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestGet annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
REST method guard.
A list of RestGuard objects.
Builder class.
Identifies a method that gets called during servlet initialization.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestInit annotation.
A collection of @RestInit annotations.
Builder class.
Rest bean injection annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the RestInject annotation.
A collection of @RestInject annotations.
Builder class.
Class used for defining method-level matchers using the @RestOp(matchers) annotation.
A list of RestMatcher objects.
Builder class.
Identical to RestServlet but doesn't extend from HttpServlet.
Identifies a REST operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestOp annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestOp annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
REST java method parameter resolver.
A list of RestOpArg classes.
Builder class.
Represents a single Java servlet/resource method annotated with @RestOp.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the RestOpContext object.
Aggregates the HTTP method, URL, and optional body into a single bean.
Encapsulates the set of RestOp-annotated methods within a single Rest-annotated object.
Builder class.
A specialized invoker for methods that are called during a servlet request.
A session for a single HTTP request.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the RestOpSession object.
Identifies a REST OPTIONS operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestOptions annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestOptions annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
Represents the possible parameter types as defined by the Swagger 2.0 specification.
Identifies a REST PATH operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestPatch annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestPatch annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
Identifies a REST POST operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestPost annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestPost annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
Identifies a method that gets called immediately after the @RestOp annotated method gets called.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestPostCall annotation.
A collection of @RestPostCall annotations.
Builder class.
Identifies a method that gets called immediately after servlet initialization.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestPostInit annotation.
A collection of @RestPostInit annotations.
Builder class.
Identifies a method that gets called immediately before the @RestOp annotated method gets called.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestPreCall annotation.
A collection of @RestPreCall annotations.
Builder class.
Identifies a REST PUT operation Java method on a RestServlet implementation class.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestPut annotation.
Builder class.
Applies RestPut annotations to a RestOpContext.Builder.
Represents a request to a remote REST resource.
Represents an HTTP request for a REST resource.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the RestRequest object.
Identify an HttpRequest that was created by a RestRequest.
Represents a response from a remote REST resource.
Represents an HTTP response for a REST resource.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the RestResponse object.
Servlet implementation of a REST resource.
Represents a single HTTP request.
Builder class.
Resolves method parameters on RestOp-annotated Java methods of types found on the RestSession object.
Identifies a method that is called immediately after the HttpServlet.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) method is called.
Utility classes and methods for the @RestStartCall annotation.
Builder class.
Various reusable utility methods.
Transforms an SQL ResultSet into a list of maps.
Represents a parsed Retry-After HTTP response header.
RestGuard that uses role expressions to determine whether an authenticated user has access to a class or method.
Utility class for matching JEE user roles against string expressions.
Sample REST resource showing how to implement a "router" resource page.
DTO for an HTML <rp> element.
Contains the meta-data about a remote proxy REST interface.
Contains the meta-data about a Java method on a remote class.
A specialized RestOpContext for handling "RRPC" HTTP methods.
A session for a single HTTP request against an RRPC Java method.
Builder class.
Abstract class for defining Remote Interface Services.
DTO for an HTML <rt> element.
DTO for an HTML <rtc> element.
DTO for an HTML <ruby> element.
DTO for an HTML <s> element.
DTO for an HTML <samp> element.
Sample root REST resource.
Swagger schema annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @Schema annotation.
Applies targeted Schema annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @Schema annotations.
Builder class.
The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types.
The Schema Object allows the definition of input and output data types.
Utilities for working with the schema annotations.
Exception thrown when an HTTP part fails schema validation during parsing.
DTO for an HTML <script> element.
Arguments passed to ObjectSearcher.
A single section in a config file.
DTO for an HTML <section> element.
Allows the definition of a security scheme that can be used by the operations.
Describes a single operation parameter.
Represents an HTTP 303 See Other response.
Convenience subclass of SeeOther for redirecting a response to the servlet root.
DTO for an HTML <select> element.
HttpEntity for serializing POJOs as the body of HTTP requests.
Subclass of NameValuePair for serializing POJOs as URL-encoded form post entries using the class.
Response handler for plain-old Java objects.
Serialized request attribute variable resolver.
General exception thrown whenever an error occurs during serialization.
Parent class for all Juneau serializers.
Builder class.
Represents no Serializer.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in Serializer, OutputStreamSerializer, and WriterSerializer.
Utility classes and methods for the @SerializerConfig annotation.
Applies SerializerConfig annotations to a Serializer.Builder.
Applies SerializerConfig annotations to a WriterSerializer.Builder.
Class for listening for serialize events during a serialization.
Represents no serializer listener.
Represents a serializer and media type that matches an HTTP Accept header value.
A wrapper around an object that a serializer sends its output to.
Serializer session that lives for the duration of a single use of Serializer.
Builder class.
Represents a group of Serializers that can be looked up by media type.
Builder class.
An identifier that the previous entries in this group should be inherited.
An identifier that the previous entries in this group should not be inherited.
Simple wrapper around a standard Writer with additional methods.
Represents a parsed Server HTTP response header.
Exception representing an HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable).
Servlet init parameter variable resolver.
Builder for sets.
Encapsulate a bean setter method that may be a method or field.
Field setter
Method setter
Provides the capability to shut down this REST microservice through a REST call.
Utility class for creating custom HTML.
A simple auto-closeable wrapper around a lock.
An instance of a Map where the keys and values are simple arrays.
An extension of ReentrantReadWriteLock with convenience methods for creating auto-closeable locks.
An implementation of HttpPartParser that takes in the strings and tries to convert them to POJOs using constructors and static create methods.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of SimplePartParser.
An implementation of HttpPartSerializer that simply serializes everything using Object.toString().
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of SimplePartSerializer.
An extension of ReentrantReadWriteLock with convenience methods for creating auto-closeable locks.
An implementation of a RestOpArg that takes in a ThrowingFunction for resolving a parameter value.
Abstract superclass of all Simple Var Language variables that resolve to simple returned string values.
DTO for an HTML <small> element.
Identical to Runnable but the run method can throw stuff.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by SoapXmlSerializer}.
Utility classes and methods for the @SoapXml annotation.
Applies targeted SoapXml annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @SoapXml annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the SOAP/XML serializers and parsers pulled from the @SoapXml annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the SOAP/XML serializers and parsers pulled from the @SoapXml annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in SoapXmlSerializer.
Utility classes and methods for the @SoapXmlConfig annotation.
Applies SoapXmlConfig annotations to a SoapXmlSerializer.Builder.
Interface for providing access to SoapXmlClassMeta and SoapXmlBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Serializes POJOs to HTTP responses as XML+SOAP.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of SoapXmlSerializer.
Builder class.
Arguments passed to ObjectSorter.
Represents an atomSource construct in the RFC4287 specification.
DTO for an HTML <source> element.
DTO for an HTML <span> element.
A bean store that uses Spring bean resolution to find beans if they're not already in this store.
Subclass of a RestServlet that hooks into Spring Boot for using Spring Beans.
Example of a ConfigStore that uses a relational database as a backend.
Builder class.
Transforms StackTraceElements to String objects.
Enums for state-machine states.
API for retrieving localized static files from either the classpath or file system.
Builder class.
Represents no static files
REST response status annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @StatusCode annotation.
Applies targeted StatusCode annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @StatusCode annotations.
Builder class.
Abstract superclass of all Simple Var Language variables that write their values directly to a writer.
A streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream.
A subclass of Marshaller for stream-based serializers and parsers.
A streamed, non-repeatable resource that obtains its content from an InputStream.
Used for assertion calls against string objects.
Similar to StringWriter, but uses a StringBuilder instead to avoid synchronization overhead.
A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a String.
Utility class for matching strings against string expressions.
Built-in object swap implementation class for the @Beanp(format) annotation.
Used for assertion calls against lists of strings.
String matcher factory for the ObjectSearcher class.
Represents a single value in a comma-delimited header value that optionally contains a quality metric for comparison and extension parameters.
A parsed Accept-Encoding or similar header value.
A self contained, repeatable resource that obtains its content from a String.
Abstract subclass for object swaps that swap objects for strings.
Reusable string utility methods.
DTO for an HTML <strong> element.
DTO for an HTML <style> element.
DTO for an HTML <sub> element.
Swagger items annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @SubItems annotation.
Builder class.
A transformational variable resolver that returns substring for given start and end (optional)
DTO for an HTML <sup> element.
Identifies a class as being a surrogate class.
Specialized ObjectSwap for Surrogate classes.
Simple Variable Language examples.
This is the root document object for the API specification.
Extended annotation for @Rest(swagger).
Utility classes and methods for the @Swagger annotation.
Builder class.
Various useful static methods for creating Swagger elements.
Root class for all Swagger beans.
Interface for retrieving Swagger on a REST resource.
Builder class.
Represents no SwaggerProvider.
Generates a Swagger-UI interface from a Swagger document.
Swagger attribute variable resolver.
Associates ObjectSwap and Surrogate classes with POJOs and bean properties.
Utility classes and methods for the @Swap annotation.
Applies targeted Swap annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Swap annotations.
Builder class.
Represents an HTTP 101 Switching Protocols response.
A basic switch/case logic variable resolver.
Utility methods for accessing system properties and environment variables.
System property variable resolver.
System utilities.
DTO for an HTML <table> element.
Allows adding meta data to a single tag that is used by the operation object.
Allows adding meta data to a single tag that is used by the Operation Object.
Swagger tag annotation.
Utility classes and methods for the @XXX annotation.
Builder class.
Builder for TargetedAnnotationImpl objects.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
An implementation of an annotation that has an on value targeting classes/methods/fields/constructors.
DTO for an HTML <tbody> element.
DTO for an HTML <td> element.
Represents a parsed TE HTTP request header.
DTO for an HTML <template> element.
Swap that converts Calendar objects to and from strings.
Swap that converts Date objects to and from strings.
Swap that converts Temporal objects to strings.
Represents an HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect response.
Represents an atomTextConstruct construct in the RFC4287 specification.
DTO for an HTML <textarea> element.
DTO for an HTML <tfoot> element.
DTO for an HTML <th> element.
DTO for an HTML <thead> element.
Widget that returns back a list of hyperlinks for rendering the contents of a page in the various default styles.
Used for assertion calls against throwable objects.
Response handler for Throwable objects.
Various utility methods for creating and working with throwables.
A subclass of Consumer that allows for thrown exceptions.
A subclass of Function that allows for thrown exceptions.
Represents a parsed Thrown HTTP response header.
Represents a single entry in this header.
Represents an entry in ThrownStore.
Builder class.
An in-memory cache of thrown exceptions.
Builder class.
DTO for an HTML <time> element.
Date/time matcher factory for the ObjectSearcher class.
Transforms TimeZone objects to and from Strings.
DTO for an HTML <title> element.
Simple template for adding tooltips to HTML5 bean constructs, typically in menu item widgets.
Exception representing an HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests).
DTO for an HTML <tr> element.
DTO for an HTML <track> element.
Represents a parsed Trailer HTTP response header.
Represents a parsed Transfer-Encoding HTTP response header.
Converter for enabling of ObjectRest support on response objects returned by a @RestOp-annotated method.
Represents a simple tuple of 2 objects.
Allows you to perform a function against 2 objects.
Represents a simple tuple of 3 objects.
Allows you to perform a function against 3 objects.
Represents a simple tuple of 4 objects.
Allows you to perform a function against 4 objects.
Represents a simple tuple of 5 objects.
Allows you to perform a function against 5 objects.
A hashmap that allows for two-part keys.
Represents possible values for JSONSCHEMA_addExamplesTo and JSONSCHEMA_addDescriptionsTo.
DTO for an HTML <u> element.
DTO for an HTML <ul> element.
Exception representing an HTTP 401 (Unauthorized).
Exception representing an HTTP 451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons).
Exception representing an HTTP 422 (Unprocessable Entity).
Exception representing an HTTP 415 (Unsupported Media Type).
A pairing of a UonSerializer and UonParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by UonSerializer and UonParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @Uon annotation.
Applies targeted Uon annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @Uon annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the UON serializers and parsers pulled from the @Uon annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the UON serializers and parsers pulled from the @Uon annotation on the class.
UON complex example.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in UonSerializer and UonParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @UonConfig annotation.
Applies UonConfig annotations to a UonParser.Builder.
Applies UonConfig annotations to a UonSerializer.Builder.
Sample class which shows the simple usage of UONSerializer.
Interface for providing access to UonClassMeta and UonBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Parses UON (a notation for URL-encoded query parameter values) text into POJO models.
Builder class.
Default parser, decoding.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of UonParser.
Builder class.
Same functionality as ParserReader except automatically decoded %xx escape sequences.
Serializes POJO models to UON (a notation for URL-encoded query parameter values).
Builder class.
Equivalent to UonSerializer.create().encoding().build();.
Equivalent to UonSerializer.create().ws().build();.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of UonSerializer.
Builder class.
Utility methods for the UON and UrlEncoding serializers and parsers.
Specialized writer for serializing UON-encoded text.
Represents a parsed Upgrade HTTP request header.
Exception representing an HTTP 426 (Upgrade Required).
Upper-case variable resolver.
Used to identify a class or bean property as a URI.
Utility classes and methods for the @Uri annotation.
Applies targeted Uri annotations to a BeanContext.Builder.
A collection of @Uri annotations.
Builder class.
Represents a URL broken into authority/context-root/servlet-path/path-info parts.
Identifies what relative URIs are relative to.
Identifies the possible types of URL resolution.
Class used to create absolute and root-relative URIs based on your current URI 'location' and rules about how to make such resolutions.
Exception representing an HTTP 414 (URI Too Long).
Predefined matcher for matching requests with content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
URL-encoding variable resolver.
A pairing of a UrlEncodingSerializer and UrlEncodingParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Annotation that can be applied to classes, fields, and methods to tweak how they are handled by UrlEncodingSerializer and UrlEncodingParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @UrlEncoding annotation.
Applies targeted UrlEncoding annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @UrlEncoding annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the URL-Encoding serializers and parsers pulled from the @UrlEncoding annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the URL-Encoding serializers and parsers pulled from the @UrlEncoding annotation on the class.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in UrlEncodingSerializer and UrlEncodingParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @UrlEncodingConfig annotation.
Interface for providing access to UrlEncodingClassMeta and UrlEncodingBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Parses URL-encoded text into POJO models.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of UrlEncodingParser.
Builder class.
Serializes POJO models to URL-encoded notation with UON-encoded values (a notation for URL-encoded query paramter values).
Builder class.
Equivalent to UrlEncodingSerializer.create().expandedParams().build();.
Equivalent to UrlEncodingSerializer.create().plainTextParts().build();.
Equivalent to UrlEncodingSerializer.create().useWhitespace().build();.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of UrlEncodingSerializer.
Builder class.
Represents a parsed URL path-info string.
Represents a URL path pattern match.
A parsed path pattern constructed from a @RestOp(path) value.
A list of UrlPathMatcher objects.
URL variable resolver.
Represents an HTTP 305 Use Proxy response.
Represents a parsed User-Agent HTTP request header.
Sample resource that allows images to be uploaded and retrieved.
Represents a simple settable value.
Simple listener for the Value class.
DTO for an HTML <var> element.
Abstract superclass of all Simple Var Language variables.
Exception representing an HTTP 506 (Variant Also Negotiate).
Simple list of variables that can consist of either variable classes or instances.
Utility class for resolving variables of the form "$X{key}" in strings.
Builder class.
Exception that occurs during a var resolver session.
A var resolver session that combines a VarResolver with one or more session objects.
Represents a parsed Vary HTTP response header.
Utility class for performing simple validations on objects.
Represents a version string such as "1.2" or "1.2.3"
Used for assertion calls against Version objects.
Represents an OSGi-style version range like "1.2" or "[1.0,2.0)".
Represents a parsed Via HTTP response header.
DTO for an HTML <video> element.
Arguments passed to ObjectViewer.
Defines class/field/method visibilities.
Represents a parsed Warning HTTP request/response header.
Determines how often the file system is polled by the watcher in FileStore.
DTO for an HTML <wbr> element.
A simple weighted average of numbers.
Defines an interface for resolvers of "$W{...}" string variables.
Subclass of Serializer for character-based serializers.
Builder class.
Subclass of SerializerSession for character-based serializers.
Builder class.
Represents a parsed WWW-Authenticate HTTP response header.
A metadata object that allows for more fine-tuned XML model definitions.
A metadata object that allows for more fine-tuned XML model definitions.
A pairing of a XmlSerializer and XmlParser into a single class with convenience read/write methods.
Annotation for specifying various XML options for the XML and RDF/XML serializers.
Utility classes and methods for the @Xml annotation.
Applies targeted Xml annotations to a Context.Builder.
A collection of @Xml annotations.
Builder class.
Metadata on beans specific to the XML serializers and parsers pulled from the @Xml annotation on the class.
Metadata on bean properties specific to the XML serializers and parsers pulled from the @Xml annotation on the bean property.
Metadata on classes specific to the XML serializers and parsers pulled from the @Xml annotation on the class.
Sample class which shows the complex usage of XmlSerializer.
Annotation for specifying config properties defined in XmlSerializer, XmlDocSerializer, and XmlParser.
Utility classes and methods for the @XmlConfig annotation.
Applies XmlConfig annotations to a XmlParser.Builder.
Applies XmlConfig annotations to a XmlSerializer.Builder.
Xml configuration example.
Serializes POJOs to HTTP responses as XML.
Default serializer without namespaces.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of XmlDocSerializer.
Builder class.
XMLEventAllocator base class.
Represents the absence of this class.
XML format to use when serializing a POJO.
Transforms XMLGregorianCalendars to ISO8601 date-time Strings.
Interface for providing access to XmlClassMeta, XmlBeanMeta, and XmlBeanPropertyMeta objects.
Namespace name/URL mapping pair.
Parses text generated by the XmlSerializer class back into a POJO model.
Builder class.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of XmlParser.
Builder class.
Wrapper class around a XMLStreamReader.
XMLReporter base class.
Represents the absence of this class.
XMLResolver base class.
Represents the absence of this class.
Identifies the default XML namespaces at the package level.
Serializes POJO models to XML.
Builder class.
Default serializer without namespaces.
Default serializer without namespaces, single quotes.
Default serializer without namespaces, single quotes, with whitespace.
Default serializer, single quotes.
Default serializer, single quotes, whitespace added.
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of XmlSerializer.
Builder class.
Identifies what the contents were of a serialized bean.
Sample class which shows the simple usage of XmlSerializer.
XML utility methods.
Specialized writer for serializing XML.
Simply XOR+Base64 encoder for obscuring passwords and other sensitive data in INI config files.
Used for assertion calls against ZonedDateTime objects.
Transforms ZoneId objects to and from Strings.