Annotation Type Request

Request bean annotation.

Identifies an interface to use to interact with HTTP parts of an HTTP request through a bean.

Can be used in the following locations:

  • Arguments and argument-types of server-side @RestOp-annotated methods.
  • Arguments and argument-types of client-side @RemoteResource-annotated interfaces.
Arguments and argument-types of server-side @RestOp-annotated methods

Annotation that can be applied to a parameter of a @RestOp-annotated method to identify it as an interface for retrieving HTTP parts through a bean interface.


@RestGet("/mypath/{p1}/{p2}/*") public void myMethod(@Request MyRequest requestBean) {...} public interface MyRequest { @Path // Path variable name inferred from getter. String getP1(); @Path("p2") String getX(); @Path("/*") String getRemainder(); @Query String getQ1(); // Schema-based query parameter: Pipe-delimited lists of comma-delimited lists of integers. @Query( collectionFormat="pipes" items=@Items( items=@SubItems( collectionFormat="csv" type="integer" ) ) ) int[][] getQ3(); @Header("*") Map<String,Object> getHeaders();

// Same as above but annotation defined on interface. @RestGet(path="/mypath/{p1}/{p2}/*") public void myMethod(MyRequest requestBean) {...} @Request public interface MyRequest {...}

The return types of the getters must be the supported parameter types for the HTTP-part annotation used.
Schema-based serialization and parsing is allowed just as if used as individual parameter types.

See Also:
Arguments and argument-types of client-side @RemoteResource-annotated interfaces

Annotation applied to Java method arguments of interface proxies to denote a bean with remote resource annotations.


@RemoteResource(path="/myproxy") public interface MyProxy { @RemoteGet("/mymethod/{p1}/{p2}") String myProxyMethod(@Request MyRequest requestBean); } public class MyRequest { @Path // Path variable name inferred from getter. public String getP1() {...} @Path("p2") public String getX() {...} @Path("/*") public String getRemainder() {...} @Query public String getQ1() {...} // Schema-based query parameter: Pipe-delimited lists of comma-delimited lists of integers. @Query( schema=@Query( collectionFormat="pipes" items=@Items( items=@SubItems( collectionFormat="csv" type="integer" ) ) ) ) public int[][] getQ3() {...} @Header("*") public Map<String,Object> getHeaders() {...} }

See Also:

See Also:
  • Element Details

    • on

      Dynamically apply this annotation to the specified classes.
      See Also:
      The annotation value.
    • onClass

      Dynamically apply this annotation to the specified classes.

      Identical to on() except allows you to specify class objects instead of a strings.

      See Also:
      The annotation value.
    • parser

      Specifies the HttpPartParser class used for parsing strings to values.

      Overrides for this part the part parser defined on the REST resource which by default is OpenApiParser.

      The annotation value.
    • serializer

      Specifies the HttpPartSerializer class used for serializing values to strings.

      Overrides for this part the part serializer defined on the REST client which by default is OpenApiSerializer.

      The annotation value.