Package org.apache.juneau.uon
Class UonSerializerSession
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public class UonSerializerSession
extends WriterSerializerSession
implements HttpPartSerializerSession
Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of
- This class is not thread safe and is typically discarded after one use.
See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes -
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.juneau.BeanTraverseSession
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic UonSerializerSession.Builder
(UonSerializer ctx) Creates a new builder for this object.protected void
(SerializerPipe out, Object o) Serializes a POJO to the specified pipe.protected final ParamFormat
Format to use for query/form-data/header values.protected final char
Quote character.protected final UonWriter
Converts the specified output target object to anUonWriter
.protected final boolean
Add"_type" properties when needed.protected final boolean
Encode non-valid URI characters.serialize
(HttpPartType type, HttpPartSchema schema, Object value) Converts the specified value to a string that can be used as an HTTP header value, query parameter value, form-data parameter, or URI path variable.protected SerializerWriter
(UonWriter out, Object o, ClassMeta<?> eType, String attrName, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) Workhorse method.Methods inherited from class org.apache.juneau.serializer.WriterSerializerSession
create, createPipe, getFileCharset, getMaxIndent, getStreamCharset, isUseWhitespace, isWriterSerializer, properties, serialize, serializeToString
Methods inherited from class org.apache.juneau.serializer.SerializerSession
addVarBean, canIgnoreValue, create, createBeanTypeNameProperty, createDefaultVarResolverSession, forEachEntry, forEachEntry, generalize, getBeanTypeName, getExpectedRootType, getJavaMethod, getListener, getListener, getResponseHeaders, getSchema, getUriContext, getUriRelativity, getUriResolution, getUriResolver, getVarResolver, handleThrown, isAddRootType, isKeepNullProperties, isSortCollections, isSortMaps, isTrimEmptyCollections, isTrimEmptyMaps, isTrimStrings, onBeanGetterException, onError, push2, relativizeUri, resolve, resolveUri, serialize, sort, sort, sort, swap, toList, toString, trim
Methods inherited from class org.apache.juneau.BeanTraverseSession
getInitialDepth, getLastLocation, getMaxDepth, getOptionalType, getOptionalValue, getStack, isDetectRecursions, isIgnoreRecursions, isOptional, isRoot, pop, push, setCurrentClass, setCurrentProperty, willExceedDepth, willRecurse
Methods inherited from class org.apache.juneau.BeanSession
_class, addWarning, convertToMemberType, convertToMemberType, convertToType, convertToType, convertToType, create, getArgsClassMeta, getBeanClassVisibility, getBeanConstructorVisibility, getBeanDictionary, getBeanFieldVisibility, getBeanMeta, getBeanMethodVisibility, getBeanRegistry, getBeanTypePropertyName, getBeanTypePropertyName, getClassMeta, getClassMeta, getClassMetaForObject, getClassMetaForObject, getLocale, getMediaType, getNamePropertyName, getNotBeanClasses, getNotBeanPackagesNames, getNotBeanPackagesPrefixes, getPropertyNamer, getSwaps, getTimeZone, getTimeZoneId, isBean, isBean, isBeanMapPutReturnsOldValue, isBeansRequireDefaultConstructor, isBeansRequireSerializable, isBeansRequireSettersForGetters, isBeansRequireSomeProperties, isFindFluentSetters, isIgnoreInvocationExceptionsOnGetters, isIgnoreInvocationExceptionsOnSetters, isIgnoreMissingSetters, isIgnoreUnknownBeanProperties, isIgnoreUnknownNullBeanProperties, isSortProperties, isUseEnumNames, isUseInterfaceProxies, isUseJavaBeanIntrospector, newBean, newBean, newBeanMap, newBeanMap, newGenericMap, object, string, toArray, toBeanMap, toBeanMap, toBeanMap
Methods inherited from class org.apache.juneau.ContextSession
checkForWarnings, getContext, getSessionProperties, getWarnings, isDebug, toString
Constructor Details
Constructor.- Parameters:
- The builder for this object.
Method Details
Creates a new builder for this object.- Parameters:
- The context creating this session.- Returns:
- A new builder.
Converts the specified output target object to anUonWriter
.- Parameters:
- The output target object.- Returns:
- The output target object wrapped in an
. - Throws:
- Thrown by underlying stream.
Description copied from class:SerializerSession
Serializes a POJO to the specified pipe.This method should NOT close the context object.
The default implementation of this method simply calls
.- Overrides:
in classSerializerSession
- Parameters:
- Where to send the output from the serializer.o
- The object to serialize.- Throws:
- Thrown by underlying stream.SerializeException
- Problem occurred trying to serialize object.
protected SerializerWriter serializeAnything(UonWriter out, Object o, ClassMeta<?> eType, String attrName, BeanPropertyMeta pMeta) throws SerializeException Workhorse method.Determines the type of object, and then calls the appropriate type-specific serialization method.
- Parameters:
- The writer to serialize to.o
- The object being serialized.eType
- The expected type of the object if this is a bean property.attrName
- The bean property name if this is a bean property.null if this isn't a bean property being serialized.pMeta
- The bean property metadata.- Returns:
- The same writer passed in.
- Throws:
- Generic serialization error occurred.
public String serialize(HttpPartType type, HttpPartSchema schema, Object value) throws SerializeException, SchemaValidationException Description copied from interface:HttpPartSerializerSession
Converts the specified value to a string that can be used as an HTTP header value, query parameter value, form-data parameter, or URI path variable.Returned values should NOT be URL-encoded.
- Specified by:
in interfaceHttpPartSerializerSession
- Parameters:
- The category of value being serialized.schema
- Schema information about the part.
May benull .
Not all part serializers use the schema information.value
- The value being serialized.- Returns:
- The serialized value.
- Throws:
- If a problem occurred while trying to parse the input.SchemaValidationException
- If the output fails schema validation.
Add"_type" properties when needed.- Overrides:
in classSerializerSession
- Returns:
true if"_type" properties will be added to beans if their type cannot be inferred through reflection.- See Also:
Encode non-valid URI characters.- Returns:
true if non-valid URI characters should be encoded with"%xx" constructs.- See Also:
Format to use for query/form-data/header values.- Returns:
- Specifies the format to use for URL GET parameter keys and values.
- See Also:
Quote character.- Overrides:
in classWriterSerializerSession
- Returns:
- The character used for quoting attributes and values.
- See Also: