Class BeanTraverseSession

Direct Known Subclasses:
JsonSchemaGeneratorSession, SerializerSession

public class BeanTraverseSession extends BeanSession
ContextSession that lives for the duration of a single use of BeanTraverseContext.

Used by serializers and other classes that traverse POJOs for the following purposes:

  • Keeping track of how deep it is in a model for indentation purposes.
  • Ensuring infinite loops don't occur by setting a limit on how deep to traverse a model.
  • Ensuring infinite loops don't occur from loops in the model (when detectRecursions is enabled.
  • This class is not thread safe and is typically discarded after one use.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • indent

      public int indent
      The current indentation depth into the model.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setCurrentProperty

      protected final void setCurrentProperty(BeanPropertyMeta currentProperty)
      Sets the current bean property being traversed for proper error messages.
      currentProperty - The current property being traversed.
    • setCurrentClass

      protected final void setCurrentClass(ClassMeta<?> currentClass)
      Sets the current class being traversed for proper error messages.
      currentClass - The current class being traversed.
    • push

      protected final ClassMeta<?> push(String attrName, Object o, ClassMeta<?> eType) throws BeanRecursionException
      Push the specified object onto the stack.
      attrName - The attribute name.
      o - The current object being traversed.
      eType - The expected class type.
      The ClassMeta of the object so that instanceof operations only need to be performed once (since they can be expensive).
      BeanRecursionException - If recursion occurred.
    • isRoot

      protected final boolean isRoot()
      Returns true if we're processing the root node.

      Must be called after push(String, Object, ClassMeta) and before pop().

      true if we're processing the root node.
    • willRecurse

      protected final boolean willRecurse(String attrName, Object o, ClassMeta<?> cm) throws BeanRecursionException
      Returns true if BeanTraverseContext.Builder.detectRecursions() is enabled, and the specified object is already higher up in the traversal chain.
      attrName - The bean property attribute name, or some other identifier.
      o - The object to check for recursion.
      cm - The metadata on the object class.
      true if recursion detected.
      BeanRecursionException - If recursion occurred.
    • willExceedDepth

      protected final boolean willExceedDepth()
      Returns true if we're about to exceed the max depth for the document.
      true if we're about to exceed the max depth for the document.
    • pop

      protected final void pop()
      Pop an object off the stack.
    • isOptional

      protected final boolean isOptional(ClassMeta<?> cm)
      Same as ClassMeta.isOptional() but gracefully handles a null ClassMeta.
      cm - The meta to check.
      true if the specified meta is an Optional.
    • getOptionalType

      protected final ClassMeta<?> getOptionalType(ClassMeta<?> cm)
      Returns the inner type of an Optional.
      cm - The meta to check.
      The inner type of an Optional.
    • getOptionalValue

      protected final Object getOptionalValue(Object o)
      If the specified object is an Optional, returns the inner object.
      o - The object to check.
      The inner object if it's an Optional, null if it's null, or else the same object.
    • onError

      protected void onError(Throwable t, String msg, Object... args)
      Logs a warning message.
      t - The throwable that was thrown (if there was one).
      msg - The warning message.
      args - Optional MessageFormat-style arguments.
    • getStack

      protected String getStack(boolean full)
      Returns the current stack trace.
      full - If true, returns a full stack trace.
      The current stack trace.
    • getLastLocation

      public final JsonMap getLastLocation()
      Returns information used to determine at what location in the parse a failure occurred.
      A map, typically containing something like {line:123,column:456,currentProperty:"foobar"}
    • isDetectRecursions

      public final boolean isDetectRecursions()
      Automatically detect POJO recursions.
      true if recursions should be checked for during traversal.
      See Also:
    • isIgnoreRecursions

      public final boolean isIgnoreRecursions()
      Ignore recursion errors.
      true if when we encounter the same object when traversing a tree, we set the value to null.
      Otherwise, a BeanRecursionException is thrown with the message "Recursion occurred, stack=...".
      See Also:
    • getInitialDepth

      public final int getInitialDepth()
      Initial depth.
      The initial indentation level at the root.
      See Also:
    • getMaxDepth

      public final int getMaxDepth()
      Max traversal depth.
      The depth at which traversal is aborted if depth is reached in the POJO tree.
      If this depth is exceeded, an exception is thrown.
      See Also:
    • properties

      protected JsonMap properties()
      Description copied from class: ContextSession
      Returns the properties on this bean as a map for debugging.
      properties in class ContextSession
      The properties on this bean as a map for debugging.