Class LastModified

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Header, NameValuePair

@Header("Last-Modified") public class LastModified extends BasicDateHeader
Represents a parsed Last-Modified HTTP response header.

The last modified date for the requested object (in "HTTP-date" format as defined by RFC 7231).


Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT

RFC2616 Specification
The Last-Modified entity-header field indicates the date and time at which the origin server believes the variant was last modified.

Last-Modified = "Last-Modified" ":" HTTP-date

An example of its use is...

Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT

The exact meaning of this header field depends on the implementation of the origin server and the nature of the original resource. For files, it may be just the file system last-modified time. For entities with dynamically included parts, it may be the most recent of the set of last-modify times for its component parts. For database gateways, it may be the last-update time stamp of the record. For virtual objects, it may be the last time the internal state changed.

An origin server MUST NOT send a Last-Modified date which is later than the server's time of message origination. In such cases, where the resource's last modification would indicate some time in the future, the server MUST replace that date with the message origination date.

An origin server SHOULD obtain the Last-Modified value of the entity as close as possible to the time that it generates the Date value of its response. This allows a recipient to make an accurate assessment of the entity's modification time, especially if the entity changes near the time that the response is generated.

HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD send Last-Modified whenever feasible.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LastModified

      public LastModified(String value)
      value - The header value.
      Must be an RFC-1123 formated string (e.g. "Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT").
      Can be null.
    • LastModified

      public LastModified(ZonedDateTime value)
      value - The header value.
      Can be null.
    • LastModified

      Constructor with delayed value.

      Header value is re-evaluated on each call to BasicDateHeader.getValue().

      value - The supplier of the header value.
      Can be null.
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static LastModified of(String value)
      Static creator.
      value - The header value.
      Must be an RFC-1123 formated string (e.g. "Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT").
      Can be null.
      A new header bean, or null if the name is null or empty or the value is null.
    • of

      public static LastModified of(ZonedDateTime value)
      Static creator.
      value - The header value.
      Can be null.
      A new header bean, or null if the name is null or empty or the value is null.
    • of

      public static LastModified of(Supplier<ZonedDateTime> value)
      Static creator with delayed value.

      Header value is re-evaluated on each call to BasicDateHeader.getValue().

      value - The supplier of the header value.
      Can be null.
      A new header bean, or null if the name is null or empty or the value is null.