Package org.apache.juneau.http.header

package org.apache.juneau.http.header
HTTP Header Beans
  • Class
    Represents a parsed Accept HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Accept-Charset HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Accept-Encoding HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Accept-Language HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Accept-Range HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Age HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Allow HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Authorization HTTP request header.
    Category of headers that consist of a single boolean value.
    Category of headers that consist of a comma-delimited list of string values.
    Category of headers that consist of a single HTTP-date.
    Category of headers that consist of a single entity validator value.
    Category of headers that consist of a comma-delimited list of entity validator values.
    Superclass of all headers defined in this package.
    Basic implementation of a HeaderIterator.
    Category of headers that consist of a single integer value.
    Category of headers that consist of a single long value.
    Category of headers that consist of multiple parameterized string values.
    Category of headers that consist of a single parameterized string value.
    Category of headers that consist of a single string value.
    Category of headers that consist of simple comma-delimited lists of strings with q-values.
    Category of headers that consist of a single URL value.
    Represents a parsed Cache-Control HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Client-Version HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Connection HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Disposition HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Encoding HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Language HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Length HTTP request/response header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Location HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Range HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Content-Type HTTP request/response header.
    Represents a parsed Date HTTP request/response header.
    Represents a parsed Debug HTTP request/response header.
    Represents a validator value.
    A list of EntityTag beans.
    Represents a parsed ETag HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Expect HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Expires HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Forwarded HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed From HTTP request header.
    Identifies a class that can be converted to a Header object.
    Holds metadata about header beans (POJOs that get serialized as HTTP headers).
    A simple list of HTTP headers with various convenience methods.
    Represents no header list in annotations.
    Represents a parsed Host HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed If-Match HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed If-Modified-Since HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed If-None-Match HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed If-Range HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed If-Unmodified-Since HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Last-Modified HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Location HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Max-Forwards HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed No-Trace HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Origin HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Pragma HTTP request/response header.
    Represents a parsed Proxy-Authenticate HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Proxy-Authorization HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Range HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Referer HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Retry-After HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Server HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed TE HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Thrown HTTP response header.
    Represents a single entry in this header.
    Represents a parsed Trailer HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Transfer-Encoding HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Upgrade HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed User-Agent HTTP request header.
    Represents a parsed Vary HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Via HTTP response header.
    Represents a parsed Warning HTTP request/response header.
    Represents a parsed WWW-Authenticate HTTP response header.