Annotation Type Path

REST request path annotation.

Identifies a POJO to be used as a path entry on an HTTP request.

Can be used in the following locations:

  • Arguments and argument-types of server-side @RestOp-annotated methods.
  • Arguments and argument-types of client-side @RemoteResource-annotated interfaces.
  • Methods and return types of server-side and client-side @Request-annotated interfaces.
Arguments and argument-types of server-side @RestOp-annotated methods

Annotation that can be applied to a parameter of a @RestOp-annotated method to identify it as a variable in a URL path pattern.


@RestGet("/myurl/{foo}/{bar}/{baz}/*") public void doGet( @Path("foo") String foo, @Path("bar") int bar, @Path("baz") UUID baz, @Path("/*") String remainder, ) {...}

The special name "/*" is used to retrieve the path remainder after the path match (i.e. the part that matches "/*").

See Also:
Arguments and argument-types of client-side @RemoteResource-annotated interfaces

Annotation applied to Java method arguments of interface proxies to denote that they are path variables on the request.

See Also:
Methods and return types of server-side and client-side @Request-annotated interfaces

See Also:
See Also:
  • Element Details

    • def

      Default value for this parameter.
      The annotation value.
    • name

      URL path variable name.

      The path remainder after the path match can be referenced using the name "/*".
      The non-URL-decoded path remainder after the path match can be referenced using the name "/**".

      The value should be either a valid path parameter name, or "*" to represent multiple name/value pairs

      A blank value (the default) has the following behavior:

      • If the data type is NameValuePairs, Map, or a bean, then it's the equivalent to "*" which will cause the value to be treated as name/value pairs.

        // When used on a REST method @RestPost public void addPet(@Path JsonMap allPathParameters) {...}

        // When used on a remote method parameter @RemoteResource(path="/myproxy") public interface MyProxy { // Equivalent to @Path("*") @RemoteGet("/mymethod/{foo}/{bar}") String myProxyMethod1(@Path Map<String,Object> allPathParameters); }

        // When used on a request bean method public interface MyRequest { // Equivalent to @Path("*") @Path Map<String,Object> getPathVars(); }

      • If used on a request bean method, uses the bean property name.

        public interface MyRequest { // Equivalent to @Path("foo") @Path String getFoo(); }

      The name field MUST correspond to the associated path segment from the path field in the Paths Object. See Path Templating for further information.

      • The format is plain-text.
      The annotation value.
    • on

      Dynamically apply this annotation to the specified classes.
      See Also:
      The annotation value.
    • onClass

      Dynamically apply this annotation to the specified classes.

      Identical to on() except allows you to specify class objects instead of a strings.

      See Also:
      The annotation value.
    • parser

      Specifies the HttpPartParser class used for parsing strings to values.

      Overrides for this part the part parser defined on the REST resource which by default is OpenApiParser.

      The annotation value.
    • schema

      schema field of the Swagger Parameter Object.

      The schema defining the type used for parameter.

      The @Schema annotation can also be used standalone on the parameter or type. Values specified on this field override values specified on the type, and values specified on child types override values specified on parent types.

      Used for:
      • Server-side schema-based parsing and parsing validation.
      • Server-side generated Swagger documentation.
      • Client-side schema-based serializing and serializing validation.
      The annotation value.
    • serializer

      Specifies the HttpPartSerializer class used for serializing values to strings.

      Overrides for this part the part serializer defined on the REST client which by default is OpenApiSerializer.

      The annotation value.
    • value

      A synonym for name().

      Allows you to use shortened notation if you're only specifying the name.

      The following are completely equivalent ways of defining a path entry:

      @RestGet("/pet/{petId}") public Pet getPet(@Path(name="petId") long petId) { ... }

      @RestGet("/pet/{petId}") public Pet getPet(@Path("petId") long petId) { ... }

      The annotation value.