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013package org.apache.juneau.rest.servlet;
015import static org.apache.juneau.http.HttpMethod.*;
017import java.util.*;
019import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
020import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.Swagger;
021import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.ui.*;
022import org.apache.juneau.html.annotation.*;
023import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.*;
024import org.apache.juneau.http.resource.*;
025import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.*;
026import org.apache.juneau.rest.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.rest.annotation.*;
028import org.apache.juneau.rest.stats.*;
031 * Basic REST operation methods.
032 *
033 * <p>
034 *    Defines 5 special use REST operation endpoints:
035 * </p>
036 *
037 * <p class='bjava'>
038 *    <ja>@RestGet</ja>(path=<js>"/api/*"</js></js>)
039 *    <jk>public</jk> {@link Swagger} {@link #getSwagger(RestRequest) getSwagger}({@link RestRequest} <jv>req</jv>);
040 *
041 *    <ja>@RestGet</ja>(path=<js>"/htdocs/*"</js>)
042 *    <jk>public</jk> {@link HttpResource} {@link #getHtdoc(String,Locale) getHtdoc}(<ja>@Path</ja> String <jv>path</jv>, Locale <jv>locale</jv>);
043 *
044 *    <ja>@RestGet</ja>(path=<js>"favicon.ico"</js>)
045 *    <jk>public</jk> {@link HttpResource} {@link #getFavIcon() getFavIcon}();
046 *
047 *    <ja>@RestGet</ja>(path=<js>"/stats"</js>)
048 *    <jk>public</jk> {@link RestContextStats} {@link #getStats(RestRequest) getStats}({@link RestRequest} <jv>req</jv>);
049 *
050 *    <ja>@RestOp</ja>(method=<jsf>ANY</jsf>, path=<js>"/error"</js>)
051 *    <jk>public void</jk> {@link #error() error}();
052 * </p>
053 *
054 * <p>
055 *    Implementations provided by the following classes:
056 * </p>
057 * <ul class='javatreec'>
058 *    <li class='jac'>{@link BasicRestServlet}
059 *    <li class='jac'>{@link BasicRestServletGroup}
060 *    <li class='jac'>{@link BasicRestObject}
061 *    <li class='jac'>{@link BasicRestObjectGroup}
062 * </ul>
063 *
064 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
065 *    <li class='link'><a class="doclink" href="../../../../../index.html#jrs.AnnotatedClasses">@Rest-Annotated Classes</a>
066 * </ul>
067 */
069   // Basic page navigation links.
070   navlinks={
071      "up: request:/..",
072      "api: servlet:/api",
073      "stats: servlet:/stats"
074   }
077   // Add descriptions to the following types when not specified:
078   addDescriptionsTo="bean,collection,array,map,enum",
079   // Add example to the following types:
080   addExamplesTo="bean,collection,array,map",
081   // Don't generate schema information on the Swagger bean itself or HTML beans.
082   ignoreTypes="Swagger,org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.*",
083   // Use $ref references for bean definitions to reduce duplication in Swagger.
084   useBeanDefs="true"
086public interface BasicRestOperations {
088   /**
089    * [GET /api] - Show resource options.
090    *
091    * @param req The HTTP request.
092    * @return A bean containing the contents for the OPTIONS page.
093    */
094   @RestGet(
095      path="/api/*",
096      summary="Swagger documentation",
097      description="Swagger documentation for this resource."
098   )
099   @HtmlDocConfig(
100      // Should override config annotations defined on class.
101      rank=10,
102      // Override the nav links for the swagger page.
103      navlinks={
104         "back: servlet:/",
105         "json: servlet:/?Accept=text/json&plainText=true"
106      },
107      // Never show aside contents of page inherited from class.
108      aside="NONE"
109   )
110   @BeanConfig(
111      // POJO swaps to apply to all serializers/parsers on this method.
112      swaps={
113         // Use the SwaggerUI swap when rendering Swagger beans.
114         // This is a per-media-type swap that only applies to text/html requests.
115         SwaggerUI.class
116      }
117   ) Swagger getSwagger(RestRequest req);
119   /**
120    * [GET /htdocs/*] - Retrieve static file.
121    *
122    * @param path The path to retrieve.
123    * @param locale The locale of the HTTP request.
124    * @return An HTTP resource representing the static file.
125    */
126   @RestGet(
127      path="/htdocs/*",
128      summary="Static files",
129      description="Static file retrieval."
130   ) HttpResource getHtdoc(@Path String path, Locale locale);
132   /**
133    * [GET favicon.ico] - Retrieve favorites icon image.
134    *
135    * @return A bean containing the contents for the OPTIONS page.
136    */
137   @RestGet(
138      path="favicon.ico",
139      summary="Favorites icon.",
140      description="Favorites icon."
141   ) HttpResource getFavIcon();
143   /**
144    * [* /error] - Error occurred.
145    */
146   @RestOp(
147      method=ANY,
148      path="/error",
149      summary="Error occurred",
150      description={
151         "An error occurred during handling of the request.  ",
152         "Servlet chains will often automatically redirect to '/error' when any sort of error condition occurs ",
153         "(such as failed authentication) and will set appropriate response parameters ",
154         "(such as an WWW-Authenticate response header)."
155      }
156   ) void error();
158   /**
159    * [GET /stats] - Timing statistics.
160    *
161    * <p>
162    * Timing statistics for method invocations on this resource.
163    *
164    * @param req The HTTP request.
165    * @return A collection of timing statistics for each annotated method on this resource.
166    */
167   @RestGet(
168      path="/stats",
169      summary="Timing statistics",
170      description="Timing statistics for method invocations on this resource."
171   )
172   @HtmlDocConfig(
173      // Should override config annotations defined on class.
174      rank=10,
175      // Override the nav links for the swagger page.
176      navlinks={
177         "back: servlet:/",
178         "json: servlet:/stats?Accept=text/json&plainText=true"
179      },
180      // Never show aside contents of page inherited from class.
181      aside="NONE"
182   ) RestContextStats getStats(RestRequest req);