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004// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
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013package org.apache.juneau.examples.core.dto;
015import org.apache.juneau.*;
016import org.apache.juneau.dto.atom.Feed;
017import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.Swagger;
018import org.apache.juneau.html.HtmlSerializer;
019import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
021import static org.apache.juneau.dto.atom.AtomBuilder.*;
022import static org.apache.juneau.dto.atom.AtomBuilder.link;
023import static org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder.*;
024import static org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.SwaggerBuilder.*;
026import java.net.*;
029 * Sample class which shows the usage of DTO module which is a
030 * Sub module of the core.
031 *
032 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
033 * </ul>
034 */
035public class DtoExample {
037   /**
038    * DTO Samples
039    *
040    * @param args Unused.
041    * @throws Exception Unused.
042    */
043   @SuppressWarnings("unused")
044   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
046      //Produces
047      /**
048       * <table>
049       * <tr>
050       * <th>c1</th>
051       * <th>c2</th>
052       * </tr>
053       * <tr>
054       * <td>v1</td>
055       * <td>v2</td>
056       * </tr>
057       * </table>
058       */
059      Object mytable =
060         table(
061            tr(
062               th("c1"),
063               th("c2")
064            ),
065            tr(
066               td("v1"),
067               td("v2")
068            )
069         );
071      String html = HtmlSerializer.DEFAULT.serialize(mytable);
073      Object mainJsp =
074         form().action("main.jsp").method("GET")
075         .children(
076            input("text").name("first_name").value("apache"), br(),
077            input("text").name("last_name").value("juneau"), br(),
078            button("submit", "Submit"),
079            button("reset", "Reset")
080         );
082      /**
083       * <form action='main.jsp' method='POST'>
084       * Position (1-10000): <input name='pos' type='number'
085       * value='1'/><br/>
086       * Limit (1-10000): <input name='pos' type='number'
087       * value='100'/><br/>
088       * <button type='submit'>Submit</button>
089       * <button type='reset'>Reset</button>
090       * </form>
091       */
092      html = HtmlSerializer.DEFAULT.serialize(mainJsp);
094      /**
095       * Produces
096       * {
097       *    a:{action:'main.jsp',method:'GET'},
098       *    c:[
099       *    {a:{type:'text',name:'first_name',value:'apache'}},{},
100       *    {a:{type:'text',name:'last_name',value:'juneau'}},{},
101       *    {a:{type:'submit'},c:['Submit']},
102       *    {a:{type:'reset'},c:['Reset']}
103       *    ]
104       * }
105       */
106      html =  Json5Serializer.DEFAULT.serialize(mainJsp);
108      Feed feed =
109         feed("tag:foo.org", "Title", "2016-12-31T05:02:03Z")
110         .setSubtitle(text("html").setText("Subtitle"))
111         .setLinks(
112            link("alternate", "text/html", "http://foo.org/").setHreflang("en"),
113            link("self", "application/atom+xml", "http://foo.org/feed.atom")
114         )
115         .setGenerator(
116            generator("Example Toolkit").setUri("http://www.foo.org/").setVersion("1.0")
117         )
118         .setEntries(
119            entry("tag:foo.org", "Title", "2016-12-31T05:02:03Z")
120            .setLinks(
121               link("alternate", "text/html", "http://foo.org/2005/04/02/atom"),
122               link("enclosure", "audio/mpeg", "http://foo.org/audio/foobar.mp3").setLength(1337)
123            )
124            .setPublished("2016-12-31T05:02:03Z")
125            .setAuthors(
126               person("John Smith").setUri(new URI("http://foo.org/")).setEmail("foo@foo.org")
127            )
128            .setContributors(
129               person("John Smith"),
130               person("Jane Smith")
131            )
132            .setContent(
133               content("xhtml")
134               .setLang("en")
135               .setBase("http://foo.org/")
136               .setText("<div><p><i>[Sample content]</i></p></div>")
137            )
138         );
140      Swagger swagger = swagger()
141         .setSwagger("2.0")
142         .setInfo(
143            info("Swagger Petstore", "1.0.0")
144            .setDescription("This is a sample server Petstore server.")
145            .setTermsOfService("http://swagger.io/terms/")
146            .setContact(
147               contact().setEmail("apiteam@swagger.io")
148            )
149            .setLicense(
150               license("Apache 2.0").setUrl(URI.create("http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"))
151            )
152         )
153         .addPath("/pet", "post",
154            operation()
155            .setTags("pet")
156            .setSummary("Add a new pet to the store")
157            .setDescription("")
158            .setOperationId("addPet")
159            .setConsumes(MediaType.JSON, MediaType.XML)
160            .setProduces(MediaType.JSON, MediaType.XML)
161            .setParameters(
162               parameterInfo("body", "body")
163               .setDescription("Pet object that needs to be added to the store")
164               .setRequired(true)
165            )
166            .addResponse("405", responseInfo("Invalid input"))
167         );
169      // Serialize to Swagger/JSON
170      /**
171       * Produces
172       * {
173       *  "swagger": "2.0",
174       *  "info": {
175       *      "title": "Swagger Petstore",
176       *      "description": "This is a sample server Petstore server.",
177       *      "version": "1.0.0",
178       *      "termsOfService": "http://swagger.io/terms/",
179       *      "contact": {
180       *          "email": "apiteam@swagger.io"
181       *      },
182       *      "license": {
183       *          "name": "Apache 2.0",
184       *          "url": "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"
185       *      }
186       *  },
187       * "paths": {
188       *      "/pet": {
189       *          "post": {
190       *              "tags": [
191       *                  "pet"
192       *               ],
193       *              "summary": "Add a new pet to the store",
194       *              "description": "",
195       *              "operationId": "addPet",
196       *              "consumes": [
197       *                  "application/json",
198       *                  "text/xml"
199       *              ],
200       *              "produces": [
201       *                  "application/json",
202       *                  "text/xml"
203       *              ],
204       *              "parameters": [
205       *                  {
206       *                      "in": "body",
207       *                      "name": "body",
208       *                      "description": "Pet object that needs to be added to the store",
209       *                      "required": true
210       *                  }
211       *              ],
212       *              "responses": {
213       *                  "405": {
214       *                      "description": "Invalid input"
215       *                  }
216       *              }
217       *         }
218       *      }
219       *  },
220       *  }
221       */
222      String swaggerJson = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT_READABLE.serialize(swagger);
224   }