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013package org.apache.juneau.rest.vars;
015import jakarta.servlet.http.*;
017import org.apache.juneau.http.response.*;
018import org.apache.juneau.rest.*;
019import org.apache.juneau.svl.*;
022 * Request attribute variable resolver.
023 *
024 * <p>
025 * The format for this var is <js>"$RA{key1[,key2...]}"</js>.
026 *
027 * <p>
028 * Used to resolve values returned by {@link HttpServletRequest#getAttribute(String)}.
029 * <br>When multiple keys are used, returns the first non-null/empty value.
030 *
031 * <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
032 * <p class='bjava'>
033 *    String <jv>foo</jv> = <jv>restRequest</jv>.getVarResolver().resolve(<js>"$RA{foo}"</js>);
034 *    String <jv>fooOrBar</jv> = <jv>restRequest</jv>.getVarResolver().resolve(<js>"$RA{foo,bar}"</js>);
035 * </p>
036 *
037 * <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5><ul>
038 *    <li class='note'>
039 *       This variable resolver requires that a {@link RestRequest} bean be available in the session bean store.
040 *    <li class='note'>
041 *       For security reasons, nested and recursive variables are not resolved.
042 * </ul>
043 *
044 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
045 *    <li class='link'><a class="doclink" href="../../../../../index.html#jm.SvlVariables">SVL Variables</a>
046 * </ul>
047 */
048public class RequestAttributeVar extends MultipartResolvingVar {
050   /** The name of this variable. */
051   public static final String NAME = "RA";
053   /**
054    * Constructor.
055    */
056   public RequestAttributeVar() {
057      super(NAME);
058   }
060   @Override /* Var */
061   protected boolean allowNested() {
062      return false;
063   }
065   @Override /* Var */
066   protected boolean allowRecurse() {
067      return false;
068   }
070   @Override /* Var */
071   public String resolve(VarResolverSession session, String key) {
072      RestRequest req = session.getBean(RestRequest.class).orElseThrow(InternalServerError::new);
073      return req.getAttribute(key).asString().orElse(null);
074   }
076   @Override /* Var */
077   public boolean canResolve(VarResolverSession session) {
078      return session.getBean(RestRequest.class).isPresent();
079   }