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013package org.apache.juneau.rest.client.remote;
015import static org.apache.juneau.common.internal.StringUtils.*;
016import static org.apache.juneau.http.HttpHeaders.*;
017import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ClassUtils.*;
018import static org.apache.juneau.internal.CollectionUtils.*;
020import java.lang.reflect.*;
021import java.util.*;
023import org.apache.juneau.*;
024import org.apache.juneau.http.header.*;
025import org.apache.juneau.http.remote.*;
026import org.apache.juneau.reflect.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.svl.*;
030 * Contains the meta-data about a REST proxy class.
031 *
032 * <p>
033 * Captures the information in {@link org.apache.juneau.http.remote.Remote @Remote} and {@link org.apache.juneau.http.remote.RemoteOp @RemoteOp} annotations for
034 * caching and reuse.
035 *
036 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5><ul>
037 *    <li class='link'><a class="doclink" href="../../../../../../index.html#jrc.Proxies">REST Proxies</a>
038 *    <li class='link'><a class="doclink" href="../../../../../../index.html#juneau-rest-client">juneau-rest-client</a>
039 * </ul>
040 */
041public class RemoteMeta {
043   private final Map<Method,RemoteOperationMeta> operations;
044   private final HeaderList headers;
046   /**
047    * Constructor.
048    *
049    * @param c The interface class annotated with a {@link org.apache.juneau.http.remote.Remote @Remote} annotation (optional).
050    */
051   public RemoteMeta(Class<?> c) {
052      String path = "";
054      ClassInfo ci = ClassInfo.of(c);
055      List<Remote> remotes = ci.getAnnotations(Remote.class);
057      String versionHeader = "Client-Version", clientVersion = null;
058      HeaderList headers = HeaderList.create().resolving();
060      for (Remote r : remotes) {
061         if (isNotEmpty(r.path()))
062            path = trimSlashes(resolve(r.path()));
063         for (String h : r.headers())
064            headers.append(stringHeader(resolve(h)));
065         if (isNotEmpty(r.version()))
066            clientVersion = resolve(r.version());
067         if (isNotEmpty(r.versionHeader()))
068            versionHeader = resolve(r.versionHeader());
069         if (isNotVoid(r.headerList())) {
070            try {
071               headers.append(r.headerList().getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance().getAll());
072            } catch (Exception e) {
073               throw new BasicRuntimeException(e, "Could not instantiate HeaderSupplier class");
074            }
075         }
076      }
078      if (clientVersion != null)
079         headers.append(stringHeader(versionHeader, clientVersion));
081      Map<Method,RemoteOperationMeta> operations = map();
082      String path2 = path;
083      ci.forEachPublicMethod(
084         x -> true,
085         x -> operations.put(x.inner(), new RemoteOperationMeta(path2, x.inner(), "GET"))
086      );
088      this.operations = unmodifiable(operations);
089      this.headers = headers;
090   }
092   /**
093    * Returns the metadata about the specified operation on this resource proxy.
094    *
095    * @param m The method to look up.
096    * @return Metadata about the method or <jk>null</jk> if no metadata was found.
097    */
098   public RemoteOperationMeta getOperationMeta(Method m) {
099      return operations.get(m);
100   }
102   /**
103    * Returns the headers to set on all requests.
104    *
105    * @return The headers to set on all requests.
106    */
107   public HeaderList getHeaders() {
108      return headers;
109   }
111   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
112   // Helper methods.
113   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115   private static String resolve(String s) {
116      return VarResolver.DEFAULT.resolve(s);
117   }