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013package org.apache.juneau.rest.converters;
015import org.apache.juneau.rest.*;
016import org.apache.juneau.utils.*;
019 * Converter for enabling of {@link PojoQuery} support on response objects returned by a <c>@RestMethod</c> method.
020 *
021 * <p>
022 * When enabled, objects in a POJO tree can be filtered using the functionality described in the {@link PojoQuery}
023 * class.
024 *
025 * <p>
026 * The following HTTP request parameters are available for tabular data (e.g. {@code Collections} of {@code Maps},
027 * arrays of beans, etc...):
028 * <ul class='spaced-list'>
029 *    <li>
030 *       <c>&amp;s=</c> Search arguments.
031 *       <br>Comma-delimited list of key/value pairs representing column names and search tokens.
032 *       <br>Example:
033 *       <p class='bcode w800'>
034 *    &amp;s=name=Bill*,birthDate&gt;2000
035 *       </p>
036 *    <li>
037 *       <c>&amp;v=</c> Visible columns.
038 *       <br>Comma-delimited list of column names to display.
039 *       <br>Example:
040 *       <p class='bcode w800'>
041 *    &amp;v=name,birthDate
042 *       </p>
043 *    <li>
044 *       <c>&amp;o=</c> Sort commands.
045 *       <br>Comma-delimited list of columns to sort by.
046 *       <br>Column names can be suffixed with <js>'+'</js> or <js>'-'</js> to indicate ascending or descending order.
047 *       <br>The default is ascending order.
048 *       <br>Example:
049 *       <p class='bcode w800'>
050 *    &amp;o=name,birthDate-
051 *       </p>
052 *    <li>
053 *       <c>&amp;i=</c> Case-insensitive parameter.
054 *       <br>Boolean flag for case-insensitive matching on the search parameters.
055 *    <li>
056 *       <c>&amp;p=</c> - Position parameter.
057 *       <br>Only return rows starting at the specified index position (zero-indexed).
058 *       <br>Default is {@code 0}.
059 *    <li>
060 *       <c>&amp;l=</c> Limit parameter.
061 *       <br>Only return the specified number of rows.
062 *       <br>Default is {@code 0} (meaning return all rows).
063 * </ul>
064 *
065 * <ul class='seealso'>
066 *    <li class='jc'>{@link PojoQuery} - Additional information on filtering POJO models.
067 *    <li class='jf'>{@link RestContext#REST_converters} - Registering converters with REST resources.
068 *    <li class='link'>{@doc RestConverters}
069 * </ul>
070 */
071public final class Queryable implements RestConverter {
073   /**
074    * Swagger parameters for this converter.
075    */
076   public static final String SWAGGER_PARAMS=""
077      + "{"
078         + "in:'query',"
079         + "name:'s',"
080         + "description:'"
081            + "Search.\n"
082            + "Key/value pairs representing column names and search tokens.\n"
083            + "\\'*\\' and \\'?\\' can be used as meta-characters in string fields.\n"
084            + "\\'>\\', \\'>=\\', \\'<\\', and \\'<=\\' can be used as limits on numeric and date fields.\n"
085            + "Date fields can be matched with partial dates (e.g. \\'2018\\' to match any date in the year 2018)."
086         + "',"
087         + "type:'array',"
088         + "collectionFormat:'csv',"
089         + "x-examples:{example:'?s=Bill*,birthDate>2000'}"
090      + "},"
091      + "{"
092         + "in:'query',"
093         + "name:'v',"
094         + "description:'"
095            + "View.\n"
096            + "Column names to display."
097         + "',"
098         + "type:'array',"
099         + "collectionFormat:'csv',"
100         + "x-examples:{example:'?v=name,birthDate'}"
101      + "},"
102      + "{"
103         + "in:'query',"
104         + "name:'o',"
105         + "description:'"
106            + "Order by.\n"
107            + "Columns to sort by.\n"
108            + "Column names can be suffixed with \\'+\\' or \\'-\\' to indicate ascending or descending order.\n"
109            + "The default is ascending order."
110         + "',"
111         + "type:'array',"
112         + "collectionFormat:'csv',"
113         + "x-examples:{example:'?o=name,birthDate-'}"
114      + "},"
115      + "{"
116         + "in:'query',"
117         + "name:'i',"
118         + "description:'"
119            + "Case-insensitive.\n"
120            + "Flag for case-insensitive matching on the search parameters."
121         + "',"
122         + "type:'boolean',"
123         + "x-examples:{example:'?i=true'}"
124      + "},"
125      + "{"
126         + "in:'query',"
127         + "name:'p',"
128         + "description:'"
129            + "Position.\n"
130            + "Only return rows starting at the specified index position (zero-indexed).\n"
131            + "Default is 0"
132         + "',"
133         + "type:'integer',"
134         + "x-examples:{example:'?p=100'}"
135      + "},"
136      + "{"
137         + "in:'query',"
138         + "name:'l',"
139         + "description:'"
140            + "Limit.\n"
141            + "Only return the specified number of rows.\n"
142            + "Default is 0 (meaning return all rows)."
143         + "',"
144         + "type:'integer',"
145         + "x-examples:{example:'?l=100'}"
146      + "}"
147   ;
149   @Override /* RestConverter */
150   public Object convert(RestRequest req, Object o) {
151      if (o == null)
152         return null;
153      SearchArgs searchArgs = req.getQuery().getSearchArgs();
154      if (searchArgs == null)
155         return o;
156      return new PojoQuery(o, req.getBeanSession()).filter(searchArgs);
157   }