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013package org.apache.juneau.rest;
016import java.io.*;
017import java.util.*;
019import javax.servlet.*;
020import javax.servlet.http.*;
023 * Class that handles the basic lifecycle of an HTTP REST call.
024 *
025 * <ul class='seealso'>
026 *    <li class='jf'>{@link RestContext#REST_callHandler}
027 * </ul>
028 */
029public interface RestCallHandler {
031   /**
032    * Represents no RestCallHandler.
033    *
034    * <p>
035    * Used on annotation to indicate that the value should be inherited from the parent class, and
036    * ultimately {@link BasicRestCallHandler} if not specified at any level.
037    */
038   public interface Null extends RestCallHandler {}
040   /**
041    * The main service method.
042    *
043    * @param r1 The incoming HTTP servlet request object.
044    * @param r2 The incoming HTTP servlet response object.
045    * @throws ServletException Error occurred.
046    * @throws IOException Thrown by underlying stream.
047    */
048   public void service(HttpServletRequest r1, HttpServletResponse r2) throws ServletException, IOException;
050   /**
051    * Wraps an incoming servlet request/response pair into a single {@link RestCall} object.
052    *
053    * @param req The rest request.
054    * @param res The rest response.
055    * @return The wrapped request/response pair.
056    */
057   public RestCall createCall(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res);
059   /**
060    * Creates a {@link RestRequest} object based on the specified incoming {@link HttpServletRequest} object.
061    *
062    * @param call The current REST call.
063    * @return The wrapped request object.
064    * @throws ServletException If any errors occur trying to interpret the request.
065    */
066   public RestRequest createRequest(RestCall call) throws ServletException;
068   /**
069    * Creates a {@link RestResponse} object based on the specified incoming {@link HttpServletResponse} object
070    * and the request returned by {@link #createRequest(RestCall)}.
071    *
072    * @param call The current REST call.
073    * @return The wrapped response object.
074    * @throws ServletException If any errors occur trying to interpret the request or response.
075    */
076   public RestResponse createResponse(RestCall call) throws ServletException;
078   /**
079    * The main method for serializing POJOs passed in through the {@link RestResponse#setOutput(Object)} method or
080    * returned by the Java method.
081    *
082    * @param call The current REST call.
083    * @throws Exception Can be thrown if error occurred while handling response.
084    */
085   public void handleResponse(RestCall call) throws Exception;
087   /**
088    * Handle the case where a matching method was not found.
089    *
090    * @param call The current REST call.
091    * @throws Exception Can be thrown if error occurred while handling response.
092    */
093   public void handleNotFound(RestCall call) throws Exception;
095   /**
096    * Method for handling response errors.
097    *
098    * @param call The current REST call.
099    * @param e The exception that occurred.
100    * @throws Exception Can be thrown if error occurred while handling response.
101    */
102   public void handleError(RestCall call, Throwable e) throws Exception;
104   /**
105    * Method for converting thrown exceptions into other types before they are handled.
106    *
107    * @param t The thrown object.
108    * @return The converted thrown object.
109    */
110   public Throwable convertThrowable(Throwable t);
112   /**
113    * Returns the session objects for the specified request.
114    *
115    * @param req The REST request.
116    * @param res The REST response.
117    * @return The session objects for that request.
118    */
119   public Map<String,Object> getSessionObjects(RestRequest req, RestResponse res);