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013package org.apache.juneau.oapi;
015import static org.apache.juneau.httppart.HttpPartSchema.CollectionFormat.*;
016import static org.apache.juneau.httppart.HttpPartSchema.Format.*;
017import static org.apache.juneau.httppart.HttpPartSchema.Type.*;
018import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.lang.reflect.*;
022import java.util.*;
024import org.apache.juneau.*;
025import org.apache.juneau.httppart.*;
026import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
028import org.apache.juneau.uon.*;
031 * Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of {@link OpenApiSerializer}.
032 *
033 * <p>
034 * This class is NOT thread safe.
035 * It is typically discarded after one-time use although it can be reused within the same thread.
036 */
037public class OpenApiSerializerSession extends UonSerializerSession {
039   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
040   // Predefined instances
041   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
043   // Cache these for faster lookup
044   private static final BeanContext BC = BeanContext.DEFAULT;
045   private static final ClassMeta<byte[]> CM_ByteArray = BC.getClassMeta(byte[].class);
046   private static final ClassMeta<String[]> CM_StringArray = BC.getClassMeta(String[].class);
047   private static final ClassMeta<Calendar> CM_Calendar = BC.getClassMeta(Calendar.class);
048   private static final ClassMeta<Long> CM_Long = BC.getClassMeta(Long.class);
049   private static final ClassMeta<Integer> CM_Integer = BC.getClassMeta(Integer.class);
050   private static final ClassMeta<Double> CM_Double = BC.getClassMeta(Double.class);
051   private static final ClassMeta<Float> CM_Float = BC.getClassMeta(Float.class);
052   private static final ClassMeta<Boolean> CM_Boolean = BC.getClassMeta(Boolean.class);
054   private static final HttpPartSchema DEFAULT_SCHEMA = HttpPartSchema.DEFAULT;
056   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
057   // Instance
058   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
060   private final OpenApiSerializer ctx;
062   /**
063    * Create a new session using properties specified in the context.
064    *
065    * @param ctx
066    *    The context creating this session object.
067    *    The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.
068    * @param args
069    *    Runtime session arguments.
070    */
071   protected OpenApiSerializerSession(OpenApiSerializer ctx, SerializerSessionArgs args) {
072      super(ctx, false, args);
073      this.ctx = ctx;
074   }
076   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
077   // Entry point methods
078   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
080   @Override /* Serializer */
081   protected void doSerialize(SerializerPipe out, Object o) throws IOException, SerializeException {
082      try {
083         out.getWriter().write(serialize(HttpPartType.BODY, getSchema(), o));
084      } catch (SchemaValidationException e) {
085         throw new SerializeException(e);
086      }
087   }
089   @Override /* PartSerializer */
090   public String serialize(HttpPartSchema schema, Object value) throws SerializeException, SchemaValidationException {
091      return serialize(null, schema, value);
092   }
094   @Override /* PartSerializer */
095   public String serialize(HttpPartType partType, HttpPartSchema schema, Object value) throws SerializeException, SchemaValidationException {
097      schema = ObjectUtils.firstNonNull(schema, DEFAULT_SCHEMA);
098      ClassMeta<?> type = getClassMetaForObject(value);
099      if (type == null)
100         type = object();
101      HttpPartSchema.Type t = schema.getType(type);
102      HttpPartSchema.Format f = schema.getFormat(type);
103      HttpPartSchema.CollectionFormat cf = schema.getCollectionFormat();
105      String out = null;
107      schema.validateOutput(value, ctx);
109      if (type.hasMutaterTo(schema.getParsedType()) || schema.getParsedType().hasMutaterFrom(type)) {
110         value = toType(value, schema.getParsedType());
111         type = schema.getParsedType();
112      }
114      if (type.isUri()) {
115         value = getUriResolver().resolve(value);
116         type = string();
117      }
119      if (value != null) {
121         if (t == STRING) {
123            if (f == BYTE)
124               out = base64Encode(toType(value, CM_ByteArray));
125            else if (f == BINARY)
126               out = toHex(toType(value, CM_ByteArray));
127            else if (f == BINARY_SPACED)
128               out = toSpacedHex(toType(value, CM_ByteArray));
129            else if (f == DATE)
130               out = toIsoDate(toType(value, CM_Calendar));
131            else if (f == DATE_TIME)
132               out = toIsoDateTime(toType(value, CM_Calendar));
133            else if (f == HttpPartSchema.Format.UON)
134               out = super.serialize(partType, schema, value);
135            else
136               out = toType(value, string());
138         } else if (t == ARRAY) {
140            if (cf == HttpPartSchema.CollectionFormat.UON)
141               out = super.serialize(partType, null, toList(partType, type, value, schema));
142            else {
143               List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
145               HttpPartSchema items = schema.getItems();
146               ClassMeta<?> vt = getClassMetaForObject(value);
148               if (type.isArray()) {
149                  for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(value); i++)
150                     l.add(serialize(partType, items, Array.get(value, i)));
151               } else if (type.isCollection()) {
152                  for (Object o : (Collection<?>)value)
153                     l.add(serialize(partType, items, o));
154               } else if (vt.hasMutaterTo(String[].class)) {
155                  String[] ss = toType(value, CM_StringArray);
156                  for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; i++)
157                     l.add(serialize(partType, items, ss[i]));
158               }
160               if (cf == PIPES)
161                  out = joine(l, '|');
162               else if (cf == SSV)
163                  out = join(l, ' ');
164               else if (cf == TSV)
165                  out = join(l, '\t');
166               else
167                  out = joine(l, ',');
168            }
170         } else if (t == BOOLEAN) {
172            if (f == HttpPartSchema.Format.UON)
173               out = super.serialize(partType, null, value);
174            else
175               out = stringify(toType(value, CM_Boolean));
177         } else if (t == INTEGER) {
179            if (f == HttpPartSchema.Format.UON)
180               out = super.serialize(partType, null, value);
181            else if (f == INT64)
182               out = stringify(toType(value, CM_Long));
183            else
184               out = stringify(toType(value, CM_Integer));
186         } else if (t == NUMBER) {
188            if (f == HttpPartSchema.Format.UON)
189               out = super.serialize(partType, null, value);
190            else if (f == DOUBLE)
191               out = stringify(toType(value, CM_Double));
192            else
193               out = stringify(toType(value, CM_Float));
195         } else if (t == OBJECT) {
197            if (f == HttpPartSchema.Format.UON) {
198               out = super.serialize(partType, null, value);
199            } else if (schema.hasProperties() && type.isMapOrBean()) {
200               out = super.serialize(partType, null, toMap(partType, type, value, schema));
201            } else {
202               out = super.serialize(partType, null, value);
203            }
205         } else if (t == FILE) {
206            throw new SerializeException("File part not supported.");
208         } else if (t == NO_TYPE) {
209            // This should never be returned by HttpPartSchema.getType(ClassMeta).
210            throw new SerializeException("Invalid type.");
211         }
212      }
214      schema.validateInput(out);
215      if (out == null)
216         out = schema.getDefault();
217      if (out == null)
218         out = "null";
219      return out;
220   }
222   @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" })
223   private Map toMap(HttpPartType partType, ClassMeta<?> type, Object o, HttpPartSchema s) throws SerializeException, SchemaValidationException {
224      if (s == null)
225         s = DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
226      ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap();
227      if (type.isBean()) {
228         for (BeanPropertyValue p : toBeanMap(o).getValues(isTrimNullProperties())) {
229            if (p.getMeta().canRead()) {
230               Throwable t = p.getThrown();
231               if (t == null)
232                  m.put(p.getName(), toObject(partType, p.getValue(), s.getProperty(p.getName())));
233            }
234         }
235      } else {
236         for (Map.Entry e : (Set<Map.Entry>)((Map)o).entrySet())
237            m.put(stringify(e.getKey()), toObject(partType, e.getValue(), s.getProperty(stringify(e.getKey()))));
238      }
239      if (isSortMaps())
240         return sort(m);
241      return m;
242   }
244   @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
245   private Collection toList(HttpPartType partType, ClassMeta<?> type, Object o, HttpPartSchema s) throws SerializeException, SchemaValidationException {
246      if (s == null)
247         s = DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
248      ObjectList l = new ObjectList();
249      HttpPartSchema items = s.getItems();
250      if (type.isArray()) {
251         for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(o); i++)
252            l.add(toObject(partType, Array.get(o, i), items));
253      } else if (type.isCollection()) {
254         for (Object o2 : (Collection<?>)o)
255            l.add(toObject(partType, o2, items));
256      } else {
257         l.add(toObject(partType, o, items));
258      }
259      if (isSortCollections())
260         return sort(l);
261      return l;
262   }
264   @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
265   private Object toObject(HttpPartType partType, Object o, HttpPartSchema s) throws SerializeException, SchemaValidationException {
266      if (o == null)
267         return null;
268      if (s == null)
269         s = DEFAULT_SCHEMA;
270      ClassMeta cm = getClassMetaForObject(o);
271      HttpPartSchema.Type t = s.getType(cm);
272      HttpPartSchema.Format f = s.getFormat(cm);
273      HttpPartSchema.CollectionFormat cf = s.getCollectionFormat();
275      if (t == STRING) {
276         if (f == BYTE)
277            return base64Encode(toType(o, CM_ByteArray));
278         if (f == BINARY)
279            return toHex(toType(o, CM_ByteArray));
280         if (f == BINARY_SPACED)
281            return toSpacedHex(toType(o, CM_ByteArray));
282         if (f == DATE)
283            return toIsoDate(toType(o, CM_Calendar));
284         if (f == DATE_TIME)
285            return toIsoDateTime(toType(o, CM_Calendar));
286         return o;
287      } else if (t == ARRAY) {
288         Collection l = toList(partType, getClassMetaForObject(o), o, s);
289         if (cf == CSV)
290            return joine(l, ',');
291         if (cf == PIPES)
292            return joine(l, '|');
293         if (cf == SSV)
294            return join(l, ' ');
295         if (cf == TSV)
296            return join(l, '\t');
297         return l;
298      } else if (t == OBJECT) {
299         return toMap(partType, getClassMetaForObject(o), o, s);
300      }
302      return o;
303   }
305   private <T> T toType(Object in, ClassMeta<T> type) throws SerializeException {
306      try {
307         return convertToType(in, type);
308      } catch (InvalidDataConversionException e) {
309         throw new SerializeException(e.getMessage());
310      }
311   }
313   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314   // Other methods
315   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317   @Override /* Session */
318   public ObjectMap toMap() {
319      return super.toMap()
320         .append("OpenApiSerializerSession", new DefaultFilteringObjectMap()
321      );
322   }