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013package org.apache.juneau.examples.rest.dto;
015import static org.apache.juneau.dto.atom.AtomBuilder.*;
017import java.net.URI;
019import org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation.ExternalDocs;
020import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
021import org.apache.juneau.dto.atom.*;
022import org.apache.juneau.encoders.*;
023import org.apache.juneau.html.annotation.*;
024import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.*;
025import org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.Body;
026import org.apache.juneau.jena.annotation.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.rest.*;
028import org.apache.juneau.rest.annotation.*;
029import org.apache.juneau.rest.widget.*;
030import org.apache.juneau.serializer.annotation.*;
033 * Sample resource that shows how to generate ATOM feeds.
034 *
035 * <ul class='seealso'>
036 *    <li class='extlink'>{@source}
037 * </ul>
038 */
040   path="/atom",
041   title="Sample ATOM feed resource",
042   description="Sample resource that shows how to render ATOM feeds",
043   encoders=GzipEncoder.class,
044   swagger=@ResourceSwagger(
045      contact=@Contact(name="Juneau Developer",email="dev@juneau.apache.org"),
046      license=@License(name="Apache 2.0",url="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"),
047      version="2.0",
048      termsOfService="You are on your own.",
049      externalDocs=@ExternalDocs(description="Apache Juneau",url="http://juneau.apache.org")
050   )
053   widgets={
054      ContentTypeMenuItem.class,
055      ThemeMenuItem.class
056   },
057   navlinks={
058      "up: request:/..",
059      "options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS",
060      "$W{ContentTypeMenuItem}",
061      "$W{ThemeMenuItem}",
062      "source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/dto/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"
063   }
066   quoteChar="'"
069   rdfxml_tab="5",
070   addRootProperty="true"
073   examples="Feed: $F{AtomFeedResource_example.json}"
075public class AtomFeedResource extends BasicRestServletJena {
076   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
078   private Feed feed;     // The root resource object
080   @Override /* Servlet */
081   public void init() {
082      try {
083         feed =
084            feed("tag:juneau.sample.com,2013:1", "Juneau ATOM specification", "2013-05-08T12:29:29Z")
085            .subtitle(text("html").text("A <em>lot</em> of effort went into making this effortless"))
086            .links(
087               link("alternate", "text/html", "http://www.sample.com/").hreflang("en"),
088               link("self", "application/atom+xml", "http://www.sample.com/feed.atom")
089            )
090            .generator(
091               generator("Juneau").uri("http://juneau.apache.org/").version("1.0")
092            )
093            .entries(
094               entry("tag:juneau.sample.com,2013:1.2345", "Juneau ATOM specification snapshot", "2013-05-08T12:29:29Z")
095               .links(
096                  link("alternate", "text/html", "http://www.sample.com/2012/05/08/juneau.atom"),
097                  link("enclosure", "audio/mpeg", "http://www.sample.com/audio/juneau_podcast.mp3").length(1337)
098               )
099               .published("2013-05-08T12:29:29Z")
100               .authors(
101                  person("James Bognar").uri(new URI("http://www.sample.com/")).email("jamesbognar@apache.org")
102               )
103               .contributors(
104                  person("Barry M. Caceres")
105               )
106               .content(
107                  content("xhtml")
108                  .lang("en")
109                  .base("http://www.apache.org/")
110                  .text("<div><p>[Update: Juneau supports ATOM.]</p></div>")
111               )
112            );
113      } catch (Exception e) {
114         throw new RuntimeException(e);
115      }
116   }
118   /**
119    * Get the sample ATOM feed
120    *
121    * @return The sample ATOM feed.
122    */
123   @RestMethod(
124      summary="Get the sample ATOM feed"
125   )
126   public Feed get() {
127      return feed;
128   }
130   /**
131    * Overwrite the sample ATOM feed
132    *
133    * @param feed The new ATOM feed.
134    * @return The updated ATOM feed.
135    */
136   @RestMethod(
137      summary="Overwrite the sample ATOM feed",
138      description="Replaces the feed with the specified content, and then mirrors it as the response."
139   )
140   public Feed put(@Body Feed feed) {
141      this.feed = feed;
142      return feed;
143   }