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013package org.apache.juneau;
015import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ClassUtils.*;
016import java.util.*;
017import java.util.concurrent.*;
019import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
020import org.apache.juneau.reflect.*;
023 * Stores a cache of {@link Context} instances mapped by the property stores used to create them.
024 *
025 * <p>
026 * The purpose of this class is to reuse instances of bean contexts, serializers, and parsers when they're being
027 * re-created with previously-used property stores.
028 *
029 * <p>
030 * Since serializers and parsers are immutable and thread-safe, we reuse them whenever possible.
031 */
033public class ContextCache {
035   /**
036    * Reusable cache instance.
037    */
038   public static final ContextCache INSTANCE = new ContextCache();
040   private final static boolean USE_DEEP_MATCHING = Boolean.getBoolean("ContextCache.useDeepMatching");
042   private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>,ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,CacheEntry>> contextCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
043   private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>,String[]> prefixCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
045   // When enabled, this will spit out cache-hit metrics to the console on shutdown.
046   private static final boolean TRACK_CACHE_HITS = Boolean.getBoolean("juneau.trackCacheHits");
047   static final Map<String,CacheHit> CACHE_HITS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
048   static {
049      if (TRACK_CACHE_HITS) {
050         Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(
051            new Thread() {
052               @Override
053               public void run() {
054                  int creates=0, cached=0;
055                  System.out.println("Cache Hits:  [CacheObject] = [numCreated,numCached,cacheHitPercentage]");
056                  for (Map.Entry<String,CacheHit> e : CACHE_HITS.entrySet()) {
057                     CacheHit ch = e.getValue();
058                     System.out.println("["+e.getKey()+"] = ["+ch.creates+","+ch.cached+","+((ch.cached*100)/(ch.creates+ch.cached))+"%]");
059                     creates += ch.creates;
060                     cached += ch.cached;
061                  }
062                  if (creates + cached > 0)
063                     System.out.println("[total] = ["+creates+","+cached+","+((cached*100)/(creates+cached))+"%]");
064               }
065            }
066         );
067      }
068   }
070   static void logCache(Class<?> contextClass, boolean wasCached) {
071      if (TRACK_CACHE_HITS) {
072         synchronized(ContextCache.class) {
073            String c = contextClass.getSimpleName();
074            CacheHit ch = CACHE_HITS.get(c);
075            if (ch == null)
076               ch = new CacheHit();
077            if (wasCached)
078               ch.cached++;
079            else
080               ch.creates++;
081            ch = CACHE_HITS.put(c, ch);
082         }
083      }
084   }
086   static class CacheHit {
087      public int creates, cached;
088   }
090   ContextCache() {}
092   /**
093    * Creates a new instance of the specified context-based class, or an existing instance if one with the same
094    * property store was already created.
095    *
096    * @param c The instance of the class to create.
097    * @param ps The property store to use to create the class.
098    * @return The
099    */
100   public <T extends Context> T create(Class<T> c, PropertyStore ps) {
101      String[] prefixes = getPrefixes(c);
103      if (prefixes == null)
104         return instantiate(c, ps);
106      ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,CacheEntry> m = getContextCache(c);
108      Integer hashCode = ps.hashCode(prefixes);
109      CacheEntry ce = m.get(hashCode);
111      if (ce != null && USE_DEEP_MATCHING && ! ce.ps.equals(ps))
112         throw new ContextRuntimeException("Property store hashcode mismatch!", new Object[0]);
114      logCache(c, ce != null);
116      if (ce == null) {
117         ce = new CacheEntry(ps, instantiate(c, ps));
118         m.putIfAbsent(hashCode, ce);
119      }
121      return (T)ce.context;
122   }
124   private <T extends Context> T instantiate(Class<T> c, PropertyStore ps) {
125      try {
126         return newInstance(c, ps);
127      } catch (ContextRuntimeException e) {
128         throw e;
129      } catch (Exception e) {
130         throw new ContextRuntimeException(e, "Could not create instance of class ''{0}''", c);
131      }
132   }
134   private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,CacheEntry> getContextCache(Class<?> c) {
135      ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,CacheEntry> m = contextCache.get(c);
136      if (m == null) {
137         m = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
138         ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,CacheEntry> m2 = contextCache.putIfAbsent(c, m);
139         if (m2 != null)
140            m = m2;
141      }
142      return m;
143   }
145   private String[] getPrefixes(Class<?> c) {
146      String[] prefixes = prefixCache.get(c);
147      if (prefixes == null) {
148         Set<String> ps = new HashSet<>();
149         for (ClassInfo c2 : ClassInfo.of(c).getAllParents()) {
150            ConfigurableContext cc = c2.getAnnotation(ConfigurableContext.class);
151            if (cc != null) {
152               if (cc.nocache()) {
153                  prefixes = new String[0];
154                  break;
155               }
156               if (cc.prefixes().length == 0)
157                  ps.add(c2.getSimpleName());
158               else
159                  ps.addAll(Arrays.asList(cc.prefixes()));
160            }
161         }
162         prefixes = ps.toArray(new String[ps.size()]);
163         String[] p2 = prefixCache.putIfAbsent(c, prefixes);
164         if (p2 != null)
165            prefixes = p2;
166      }
167      return prefixes.length == 0 ? null : prefixes;
168   }
170   private <T> T newInstance(Class<T> cc, PropertyStore ps) throws Exception {
171      return (T)castOrCreate(Context.class, cc, true, ps);
172   }
174   private static class CacheEntry {
175      final PropertyStore ps;
176      final Context context;
178      CacheEntry(PropertyStore ps, Context context) {
179         this.ps = ps;
180         this.context = context;
181      }
182   }