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013package org.apache.juneau.microservice.resources;
015import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
016import static org.apache.juneau.internal.CollectionUtils.*;
018import java.text.*;
019import java.util.*;
020import java.util.concurrent.*;
021import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
022import java.util.logging.*;
023import java.util.logging.Formatter;
024import java.util.regex.*;
027 * Log entry formatter.
028 *
029 * <p>
030 * Uses three simple parameter for configuring log entry formats:
031 * <ul class='spaced-list'>
032 *    <li>
033 *       <c>dateFormat</c> - A {@link SimpleDateFormat} string describing the format for dates.
034 *    <li>
035 *       <c>format</c> - A string with <c>{...}</c> replacement variables representing predefined fields.
036 *    <li>
037 *       <c>useStackTraceHashes</c> - A setting that causes duplicate stack traces to be replaced with 8-character
038 *        hash strings.
039 * </ul>
040 *
041 * <p>
042 * This class converts the format strings into a regular expression that can be used to parse the resulting log file.
043 */
044public class LogEntryFormatter extends Formatter {
046   private ConcurrentHashMap<String,AtomicInteger> hashes;
047   private DateFormat df;
048   private String format;
049   private Pattern rePattern;
050   private Map<String,Integer> fieldIndexes;
052   /**
053    * Create a new formatter.
054    *
055    * @param format
056    *    The log entry format.  e.g. <js>"[{date} {level}] {msg}%n"</js>
057    *    The string can contain any of the following variables:
058    *    <ol>
059    *       <li><js>"{date}"</js> - The date, formatted per <js>"Logging/dateFormat"</js>.
060    *       <li><js>"{class}"</js> - The class name.
061    *       <li><js>"{method}"</js> - The method name.
062    *       <li><js>"{logger}"</js> - The logger name.
063    *       <li><js>"{level}"</js> - The log level name.
064    *       <li><js>"{msg}"</js> - The log message.
065    *       <li><js>"{threadid}"</js> - The thread ID.
066    *       <li><js>"{exception}"</js> - The localized exception message.
067    *    </ol>
068    * @param dateFormat
069    *    The {@link SimpleDateFormat} format to use for dates.  e.g. <js>"yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss"</js>.
070    * @param useStackTraceHashes
071    *    If <jk>true</jk>, only print unique stack traces once and then refer to them by a simple 8 character hash
072    *    identifier.
073    */
074   public LogEntryFormatter(String format, String dateFormat, boolean useStackTraceHashes) {
075      this.df = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
076      if (useStackTraceHashes)
077         hashes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
079      fieldIndexes = new HashMap<>();
081      format = format
082         .replaceAll("\\{date\\}", "%1\\$s")
083         .replaceAll("\\{class\\}", "%2\\$s")
084         .replaceAll("\\{method\\}", "%3\\$s")
085         .replaceAll("\\{logger\\}", "%4\\$s")
086         .replaceAll("\\{level\\}", "%5\\$s")
087         .replaceAll("\\{msg\\}", "%6\\$s")
088         .replaceAll("\\{threadid\\}", "%7\\$s")
089         .replaceAll("\\{exception\\}", "%8\\$s");
091      this.format = format;
093      // Construct a regular expression to match this log entry.
094      int index = 1;
095      StringBuilder re = new StringBuilder();
096      int S1 = 1; // Looking for %
097      int S2 = 2; // Found %, looking for number.
098      int S3 = 3; // Found number, looking for $.
099      int S4 = 4; // Found $, looking for s.
100      int state = 1;
101      int i1 = 0;
102      for (int i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) {
103         char c = format.charAt(i);
104         if (state == S1) {
105            if (c == '%')
106               state = S2;
107            else {
108               if (! (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || Character.isWhitespace(c)))
109                  re.append('\\');
110               re.append(c);
111            }
112         } else if (state == S2) {
113            if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
114               i1 = i;
115               state = S3;
116            } else {
117               re.append("\\%").append(c);
118               state = S1;
119            }
120         } else if (state == S3) {
121            if (c == '$') {
122               state = S4;
123            } else {
124               re.append("\\%").append(format.substring(i1, i));
125               state = S1;
126            }
127         } else if (state == S4) {
128            if (c == 's') {
129               int group = Integer.parseInt(format.substring(i1, i-1));
130               switch (group) {
131                  case 1:
132                     fieldIndexes.put("date", index++);
133                     re.append("(" + dateFormat.replaceAll("[mHhsSdMy]", "\\\\d").replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\.") + ")");
134                     break;
135                  case 2:
136                     fieldIndexes.put("class", index++);
137                     re.append("([\\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}\\.]+)");
138                     break;
139                  case 3:
140                     fieldIndexes.put("method", index++);
141                     re.append("([\\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}\\.]+)");
142                     break;
143                  case 4:
144                     fieldIndexes.put("logger", index++);
145                     re.append("([\\w\\d\\.\\_]+)");
146                     break;
147                  case 5:
148                     fieldIndexes.put("level", index++);
149                     re.append("(SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST)");
150                     break;
151                  case 6:
152                     fieldIndexes.put("msg", index++);
153                     re.append("(.*)");
154                     break;
155                  case 7:
156                     fieldIndexes.put("threadid", index++);
157                     re.append("(\\\\d+)");
158                     break;
159                  case 8:
160                     fieldIndexes.put("exception", index++);
161                     re.append("(.*)");
162                     break;
163                  default: // Fall through.
164               }
165            } else {
166               re.append("\\%").append(format.substring(i1, i));
167            }
168            state = S1;
169         }
170      }
172      // The log parser
173      String sre = re.toString();
174      if (sre.endsWith("\\%n"))
175         sre = sre.substring(0, sre.length()-3);
177      // Replace instances of %n.
178      sre = sre.replaceAll("\\\\%n", "\\\\n");
180      rePattern = Pattern.compile(sre);
181      fieldIndexes = unmodifiableMap(fieldIndexes);
182   }
184   /**
185    * Returns the regular expression pattern used for matching log entries.
186    *
187    * @return The regular expression pattern used for matching log entries.
188    */
189   public Pattern getLogEntryPattern() {
190      return rePattern;
191   }
193   /**
194    * Returns the {@link DateFormat} used for matching dates.
195    *
196    * @return The {@link DateFormat} used for matching dates.
197    */
198   public DateFormat getDateFormat() {
199      return df;
200   }
202   /**
203    * Given a matcher that has matched the pattern specified by {@link #getLogEntryPattern()}, returns the field value
204    * from the match.
205    *
206    * @param fieldName
207    *    The field name.
208    *    Possible values are:
209    *    <ul>
210    *       <li><js>"date"</js>
211    *       <li><js>"class"</js>
212    *       <li><js>"method"</js>
213    *       <li><js>"logger"</js>
214    *       <li><js>"level"</js>
215    *       <li><js>"msg"</js>
216    *       <li><js>"threadid"</js>
217    *       <li><js>"exception"</js>
218    *    </ul>
219    * @param m The matcher.
220    * @return The field value, or <jk>null</jk> if the specified field does not exist.
221    */
222   public String getField(String fieldName, Matcher m) {
223      Integer i = fieldIndexes.get(fieldName);
224      return (i == null ? null : m.group(i));
225   }
227   @Override /* Formatter */
228   public String format(LogRecord r) {
229      String msg = formatMessage(r);
230      Throwable t = r.getThrown();
231      String hash = null;
232      int c = 0;
233      if (hashes != null && t != null) {
234         hash = hashCode(t);
235         hashes.putIfAbsent(hash, new AtomicInteger(0));
236         c = hashes.get(hash).incrementAndGet();
237         if (c == 1) {
238            msg = '[' + hash + '.' + c + "] " + msg;
239         } else {
240            msg = '[' + hash + '.' + c + "] " + msg + ", " + t.getLocalizedMessage();
241            t = null;
242         }
243      }
244      String s = String.format(format,
245         df.format(new Date(r.getMillis())),
246         r.getSourceClassName(),
247         r.getSourceMethodName(),
248         r.getLoggerName(),
249         r.getLevel(),
250         msg,
251         r.getThreadID(),
252         r.getThrown() == null ? "" : r.getThrown().getMessage());
253      if (t != null)
254         s += String.format("%n%s", getStackTrace(r.getThrown()));
255      return s;
256   }
258   private static String hashCode(Throwable t) {
259      int i = 0;
260      while (t != null) {
261         for (StackTraceElement e : t.getStackTrace())
262            i ^= e.hashCode();
263         t = t.getCause();
264      }
265      return Integer.toHexString(i);
266   }