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013package org.apache.juneau.json;
015import java.io.*;
017import org.apache.juneau.*;
018import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
019import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
022 * Specialized writer for serializing JSON.
023 *
024 * <ul class='notes'>
025 *    <li>
026 *       This class is not intended for external use.
027 * </ul>
028 */
029public final class JsonWriter extends SerializerWriter {
031   private final boolean simpleMode, escapeSolidus;
033   // Characters that trigger special handling of serializing attribute values.
034   private static final AsciiSet
035      encodedChars = AsciiSet.create("\n\t\b\f\r'\"\\"),
036      encodedChars2 = AsciiSet.create("\n\t\b\f\r'\"\\/");
038   private static final KeywordSet reservedWords = new KeywordSet(
039      "arguments","break","case","catch","class","const","continue","debugger","default","delete",
040      "do","else","enum","eval","export","extends","false","finally","for","function","if",
041      "implements","import","in","instanceof","interface","let","new","null","package",
042      "private","protected","public","return","static","super","switch","this","throw",
043      "true","try","typeof","var","void","while","with","undefined","yield"
044   );
047   // Characters that represent attribute name characters that don't trigger quoting.
048   // These are actually more strict than the actual Javascript specification, but
049   // can be narrowed in the future if necessary.
050   // For example, we quote attributes that start with $ even though we don't need to.
051   private static final AsciiSet validAttrChars = AsciiSet.create().ranges("a-z","A-Z","0-9").chars("_").build();
052   private static final AsciiSet validFirstAttrChars = AsciiSet.create().ranges("a-z","A-Z").chars("_").build();
054   private final AsciiSet ec;
056   /**
057    * Constructor.
058    *
059    * @param out The writer being wrapped.
060    * @param useWhitespace If <jk>true</jk>, tabs and spaces will be used in output.
061    * @param maxIndent The maximum indentation level.
062    * @param escapeSolidus If <jk>true</jk>, forward slashes should be escaped in the output.
063    * @param quoteChar The quote character to use (i.e. <js>'\''</js> or <js>'"'</js>)
064    * @param simpleMode If <jk>true</jk>, JSON attributes will only be quoted when necessary.
065    * @param trimStrings If <jk>true</jk>, strings will be trimmed before being serialized.
066    * @param uriResolver The URI resolver for resolving URIs to absolute or root-relative form.
067    */
068   protected JsonWriter(Writer out, boolean useWhitespace, int maxIndent, boolean escapeSolidus, char quoteChar,
069         boolean simpleMode, boolean trimStrings, UriResolver uriResolver) {
070      super(out, useWhitespace, maxIndent, trimStrings, quoteChar, uriResolver);
071      this.simpleMode = simpleMode;
072      this.escapeSolidus = escapeSolidus;
073      this.ec = escapeSolidus ? encodedChars2 : encodedChars;
074   }
076   /**
077    * Serializes the specified object as a JSON string value.
078    *
079    * @param s The object being serialized.
080    * @return This object (for method chaining).
081    * @throws IOException Should never happen.
082    */
083   public JsonWriter stringValue(String s) throws IOException {
084      if (s == null)
085         return this;
086      boolean doConvert = false;
087      for (int i = 0; i < s.length() && ! doConvert; i++) {
088         char c = s.charAt(i);
089         doConvert |= ec.contains(c);
090      }
091      q();
092      if (! doConvert) {
093         out.append(s);
094      } else {
095         for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
096            char c = s.charAt(i);
097            if (ec.contains(c)) {
098               if (c == '\n')
099                  out.append('\\').append('n');
100               else if (c == '\t')
101                  out.append('\\').append('t');
102               else if (c == '\b')
103                  out.append('\\').append('b');
104               else if (c == '\f')
105                  out.append('\\').append('f');
106               else if (c == quoteChar)
107                  out.append('\\').append(quoteChar);
108               else if (c == '\\')
109                  out.append('\\').append('\\');
110               else if (c == '/' && escapeSolidus)
111                  out.append('\\').append('/');
112               else if (c != '\r')
113                  out.append(c);
114            } else {
115               out.append(c);
116            }
117         }
118      }
119      q();
120      return this;
121   }
123   /**
124    * Serializes the specified object as a JSON attribute name.
125    *
126    * @param s The object being serialized.
127    * @return This object (for method chaining).
128    * @throws IOException Should never happen.
129    */
130   public JsonWriter attr(String s) throws IOException {
131      /*
132       * Converts a Java string to an acceptable JSON attribute name. If
133       * simpleMode is true, then quotes will only be used if the attribute
134       * name consists of only alphanumeric characters.
135       */
136      boolean doConvert = trimStrings || ! simpleMode;      // Always convert when not in lax mode.
138      // If the attribute is null, it must always be printed as null without quotes.
139      // Technically, this isn't part of the JSON spec, but it does allow for null key values.
140      if (s == null) {
141         s = "null";
142         doConvert = false;
144      } else {
146         // Look for characters that would require the attribute to be quoted.
147         // All possible numbers should be caught here.
148         if (! doConvert) {
149            for (int i = 0; i < s.length() && ! doConvert; i++) {
150               char c = s.charAt(i);
151               doConvert |= ! (i == 0 ? validFirstAttrChars.contains(c) : validAttrChars.contains(c));
152            }
153         }
155         // Reserved words and blanks must be quoted.
156         if (! doConvert) {
157            if (s.isEmpty() || reservedWords.contains(s))
158               doConvert = true;
159         }
160      }
162      // If no conversion necessary, just print the attribute as-is.
163      if (doConvert)
164         stringValue(s);
165      else
166         out.append(s);
168      return this;
169   }
171   /**
172    * Appends a URI to the output.
173    *
174    * @param uri The URI to append to the output.
175    * @return This object (for method chaining).
176    * @throws IOException Thrown by underlying stream.
177    */
178   public SerializerWriter uriValue(Object uri) throws IOException {
179      return stringValue(uriResolver.resolve(uri));
180   }
182   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
183   // Overridden methods
184   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
187   public JsonWriter cr(int depth) throws IOException {
188      super.cr(depth);
189      return this;
190   }
192   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
193   public JsonWriter cre(int depth) throws IOException {
194      super.cre(depth);
195      return this;
196   }
198   /**
199    * Performs an indentation only if we're currently past max indentation.
200    *
201    * @param depth The current indentation depth.
202    * @return This object (for method chaining).
203    * @throws IOException Thrown by underlying stream.
204    */
205   public JsonWriter smi(int depth) throws IOException {
206      if (depth > maxIndent)
207         super.s();
208      return this;
209   }
211   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
212   public JsonWriter appendln(int indent, String text) throws IOException {
213      super.appendln(indent, text);
214      return this;
215   }
217   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
218   public JsonWriter appendln(String text) throws IOException {
219      super.appendln(text);
220      return this;
221   }
223   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
224   public JsonWriter append(int indent, String text) throws IOException {
225      super.append(indent, text);
226      return this;
227   }
229   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
230   public JsonWriter append(int indent, char c) throws IOException {
231      super.append(indent, c);
232      return this;
233   }
235   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
236   public JsonWriter s() throws IOException {
237      super.s();
238      return this;
239   }
241   /**
242    * Adds a space only if the current indentation level is below maxIndent.
243    *
244    * @param indent The number of spaces to indent.
245    * @return This object (for method chaining).
246    * @throws IOException Thrown by underlying stream.
247    */
248   public JsonWriter s(int indent) throws IOException {
249      if (indent <= maxIndent)
250         super.s();
251      return this;
252   }
254   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
255   public JsonWriter q() throws IOException {
256      super.q();
257      return this;
258   }
260   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
261   public JsonWriter i(int indent) throws IOException {
262      super.i(indent);
263      return this;
264   }
266   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
267   public JsonWriter nl(int indent) throws IOException {
268      super.nl(indent);
269      return this;
270   }
272   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
273   public JsonWriter append(Object text) throws IOException {
274      super.append(text);
275      return this;
276   }
278   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
279   public JsonWriter append(String text) throws IOException {
280      super.append(text);
281      return this;
282   }
284   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
285   public JsonWriter appendIf(boolean b, String text) throws IOException {
286      super.appendIf(b, text);
287      return this;
288   }
290   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
291   public JsonWriter appendIf(boolean b, char c) throws IOException {
292      super.appendIf(b, c);
293      return this;
294   }
296   @Override /* SerializerWriter */
297   public JsonWriter append(char c) throws IOException {
298      super.append(c);
299      return this;
300   }