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013package org.apache.juneau.xmlschema;
015import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ArrayUtils.*;
016import static org.apache.juneau.xml.annotation.XmlFormat.*;
018import java.io.*;
019import java.util.*;
020import java.util.regex.*;
022import javax.xml.*;
023import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
024import javax.xml.validation.*;
026import org.apache.juneau.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
028import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
029import org.apache.juneau.xml.annotation.*;
030import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.*;
031import org.w3c.dom.ls.*;
034 * Session object that lives for the duration of a single use of {@link XmlSchemaSerializer}.
035 *
036 * <p>
037 * This class is NOT thread safe.
038 * It is typically discarded after one-time use although it can be reused within the same thread.
039 */
040public class XmlSchemaSerializerSession extends XmlSerializerSession {
042   /**
043    * Create a new session using properties specified in the context.
044    *
045    * @param ctx
046    *    The context creating this session object.
047    *    The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.
048    * @param args
049    *    Runtime arguments.
050    *    These specify session-level information such as locale and URI context.
051    *    It also include session-level properties that override the properties defined on the bean and
052    *    serializer contexts.
053    */
054   protected XmlSchemaSerializerSession(XmlSerializer ctx, SerializerSessionArgs args) {
055      super(ctx, args);
056   }
058   @Override /* SerializerSession */
059   protected void doSerialize(SerializerPipe out, Object o) throws Exception {
060      if (isEnableNamespaces() && isAutoDetectNamespaces())
061         findNsfMappings(o);
063      Namespace xs = getXsNamespace();
064      Namespace[] allNs = append(new Namespace[]{getDefaultNamespace()}, getNamespaces());
066      Schemas schemas = new Schemas(this, xs, getDefaultNamespace(), allNs);
067      schemas.process(o);
068      schemas.serializeTo(out.getWriter());
069   }
071   /**
072    * Returns an XML-Schema validator based on the output returned by {@link #doSerialize(SerializerPipe, Object)};
073    *
074    * @param out The target writer.
075    * @param o The object to serialize.
076    * @return The new validator.
077    * @throws Exception If a problem was detected in the XML-Schema output produced by this serializer.
078    */
079   public Validator getValidator(SerializerPipe out, Object o) throws Exception {
080      doSerialize(out, o);
081      String xmlSchema = out.getWriter().toString();
083      // create a SchemaFactory capable of understanding WXS schemas
084      SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
086      if (xmlSchema.indexOf('\u0000') != -1) {
088         // Break it up into a map of namespaceURI->schema document
089         final Map<String,String> schemas = new HashMap<>();
090         String[] ss = xmlSchema.split("\u0000");
091         xmlSchema = ss[0];
092         for (String s : ss) {
093            Matcher m = pTargetNs.matcher(s);
094            if (m.find())
095               schemas.put(m.group(1), s);
096         }
098         // Create a custom resolver
099         factory.setResourceResolver(
100            new LSResourceResolver() {
102               @Override /* LSResourceResolver */
103               public LSInput resolveResource(String type, String namespaceURI, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {
105                  String schema = schemas.get(namespaceURI);
106                  if (schema == null)
107                     throw new FormattedRuntimeException("No schema found for namespaceURI ''{0}''", namespaceURI);
109                  try {
110                     DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
111                     DOMImplementationLS domImplementationLS = (DOMImplementationLS)registry.getDOMImplementation("LS 3.0");
112                     LSInput in = domImplementationLS.createLSInput();
113                     in.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(schema));
114                     in.setSystemId(systemId);
115                     return in;
117                  } catch (Exception e) {
118                     throw new RuntimeException(e);
119                  }
120               }
121            }
122         );
123      }
124      return factory.newSchema(new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlSchema))).newValidator();
125   }
127   private static Pattern pTargetNs = Pattern.compile("targetNamespace=['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]");
130   /* An instance of a global element, global attribute, or XML type to be serialized. */
131   private static class QueueEntry {
132      Namespace ns;
133      String name;
134      ClassMeta<?> cm;
135      QueueEntry(Namespace ns, String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) {
136         this.ns = ns;
137         this.name = name;
138         this.cm = cm;
139      }
140   }
142   /* An encapsulation of all schemas present in the metamodel of the serialized object. */
143   final class Schemas extends LinkedHashMap<Namespace,Schema> {
145      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
147      private Namespace defaultNs;
148      BeanSession session;
149      private LinkedList<QueueEntry>
150         elementQueue = new LinkedList<>(),
151         attributeQueue = new LinkedList<>(),
152         typeQueue = new LinkedList<>();
154      Schemas(BeanSession session, Namespace xs, Namespace defaultNs, Namespace[] allNs) throws IOException {
155         this.session = session;
156         this.defaultNs = defaultNs;
157         for (Namespace ns : allNs)
158            put(ns, new Schema(this, xs, ns, defaultNs, allNs));
159      }
161      Schema getSchema(Namespace ns) {
162         if (ns == null)
163            ns = defaultNs;
164         Schema s = get(ns);
165         if (s == null)
166            throw new FormattedRuntimeException("No schema defined for namespace ''{0}''", ns);
167         return s;
168      }
170      void process(Object o) throws IOException {
171         ClassMeta<?> cm = getClassMetaForObject(o);
172         Namespace ns = defaultNs;
173         if (cm == null)
174            queueElement(ns, "null", object());
175         else {
176            XmlClassMeta xmlMeta = cm.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class);
177            if (cm.getDictionaryName() != null && xmlMeta.getNamespace() != null)
178               ns = xmlMeta.getNamespace();
179            queueElement(ns, cm.getDictionaryName(), cm);
180         }
181         processQueue();
182      }
184      void processQueue() throws IOException {
185         boolean b;
186         do {
187            b = false;
188            while (! elementQueue.isEmpty()) {
189               QueueEntry q = elementQueue.removeFirst();
190               b |= getSchema(q.ns).processElement(q.name, q.cm);
191            }
192            while (! typeQueue.isEmpty()) {
193               QueueEntry q = typeQueue.removeFirst();
194               b |= getSchema(q.ns).processType(q.name, q.cm);
195            }
196            while (! attributeQueue.isEmpty()) {
197               QueueEntry q = attributeQueue.removeFirst();
198               b |= getSchema(q.ns).processAttribute(q.name, q.cm);
199            }
200         } while (b);
201      }
203      void queueElement(Namespace ns, String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) {
204         elementQueue.add(new QueueEntry(ns, name, cm));
205      }
207      void queueType(Namespace ns, String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) {
208         if (name == null)
209            name = XmlUtils.encodeElementName(cm);
210         typeQueue.add(new QueueEntry(ns, name, cm));
211      }
213      void queueAttribute(Namespace ns, String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) {
214         attributeQueue.add(new QueueEntry(ns, name, cm));
215      }
217      void serializeTo(Writer w) throws IOException {
218         boolean b = false;
219         for (Schema s : values()) {
220            if (b)
221               w.append('\u0000');
222            w.append(s.toString());
223            b = true;
224         }
225      }
226   }
228   @Override /* SerializerSession */
229   protected boolean isTrimStrings() {
230      return super.isTrimStrings();
231   }
233   /* An encapsulation of a single schema. */
234   private final class Schema {
235      private StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
236      private XmlWriter w;
237      private Namespace defaultNs, targetNs;
238      private Schemas schemas;
239      private Set<String>
240         processedTypes = new HashSet<>(),
241         processedAttributes = new HashSet<>(),
242         processedElements = new HashSet<>();
244      public Schema(Schemas schemas, Namespace xs, Namespace targetNs, Namespace defaultNs, Namespace[] allNs) throws IOException {
245         this.schemas = schemas;
246         this.defaultNs = defaultNs;
247         this.targetNs = targetNs;
248         w = new XmlWriter(sw, isUseWhitespace(), getMaxIndent(), isTrimStrings(), getQuoteChar(), null, true, null);
249         int i = indent;
250         w.oTag(i, "schema");
251         w.attr("xmlns", xs.getUri());
252         w.attr("targetNamespace", targetNs.getUri());
253         w.attr("elementFormDefault", "qualified");
254         if (targetNs != defaultNs)
255            w.attr("attributeFormDefault", "qualified");
256         for (Namespace ns2 : allNs)
257            w.attr("xmlns", ns2.getName(), ns2.getUri());
258         w.append('>').nl(i);
259         for (Namespace ns : allNs) {
260            if (ns != targetNs) {
261               w.oTag(i+1, "import")
262                  .attr("namespace", ns.getUri())
263                  .attr("schemaLocation", ns.getName()+".xsd")
264                  .append("/>").nl(i+1);
265            }
266         }
267      }
269      boolean processElement(String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) throws IOException {
270         if (processedElements.contains(name))
271            return false;
272         processedElements.add(name);
274         ClassMeta<?> ft = cm.getSerializedClassMeta(schemas.session);
275         if (name == null)
276            name = getElementName(ft);
277         Namespace ns = first(ft.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), defaultNs);
278         String type = getXmlType(ns, ft);
280         w.oTag(indent+1, "element")
281            .attr("name", XmlUtils.encodeElementName(name))
282            .attr("type", type)
283            .append('/').append('>').nl(indent+1);
285         schemas.queueType(ns, null, ft);
286         schemas.processQueue();
287         return true;
288      }
290      boolean processAttribute(String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) throws IOException {
291         if (processedAttributes.contains(name))
292            return false;
293         processedAttributes.add(name);
295         String type = getXmlAttrType(cm);
297         w.oTag(indent+1, "attribute")
298            .attr("name", name)
299            .attr("type", type)
300            .append('/').append('>').nl(indent+1);
302         return true;
303      }
305      boolean processType(String name, ClassMeta<?> cm) throws IOException {
306         if (processedTypes.contains(name))
307            return false;
308         processedTypes.add(name);
310         int i = indent + 1;
312         cm = cm.getSerializedClassMeta(schemas.session);
313         XmlBeanMeta xbm = cm.isBean() ? cm.getBeanMeta().getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanMeta.class) : null;
315         w.oTag(i, "complexType")
316            .attr("name", name);
318         // This element can have mixed content if:
319         //    1) It's a generic Object (so it can theoretically be anything)
320         //    2) The bean has a property defined with @XmlFormat.CONTENT.
321         if ((xbm != null && (xbm.getContentFormat() != null && xbm.getContentFormat().isOneOf(TEXT,TEXT_PWS,MIXED,MIXED_PWS,XMLTEXT))) || ! cm.isMapOrBean())
322            w.attr("mixed", "true");
324         w.cTag().nl(i);
326         if (! (cm.isMapOrBean() || cm.isCollectionOrArray() || (cm.isAbstract() && ! cm.isNumber()) || cm.isObject())) {
327            w.oTag(i+1, "attribute").attr("name", getBeanTypePropertyName(cm)).attr("type", "string").ceTag().nl(i+1);
329         } else {
331            //----- Bean -----
332            if (cm.isBean()) {
333               BeanMeta<?> bm = cm.getBeanMeta();
335               boolean hasChildElements = false;
337               for (BeanPropertyMeta pMeta : bm.getPropertyMetas()) {
338                  if (pMeta.canRead()) {
339                     XmlFormat bpXml = pMeta.getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanPropertyMeta.class).getXmlFormat();
340                     if (bpXml != XmlFormat.ATTR)
341                        hasChildElements = true;
342                  }
343               }
345               XmlBeanMeta xbm2 = bm.getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanMeta.class);
346               if (xbm2.getContentProperty() != null && xbm2.getContentFormat() == ELEMENTS) {
347                  w.sTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
348                  w.oTag(i+2, "any")
349                     .attr("processContents", "skip")
350                     .attr("minOccurs", 0)
351                     .ceTag().nl(i+2);
352                  w.eTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
354               } else if (hasChildElements) {
356                  boolean hasOtherNsElement = false;
357                  boolean hasCollapsed = false;
359                  for (BeanPropertyMeta pMeta : bm.getPropertyMetas()) {
360                     if (pMeta.canRead()) {
361                        XmlBeanPropertyMeta xmlMeta = pMeta.getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanPropertyMeta.class);
362                        if (xmlMeta.getXmlFormat() != ATTR) {
363                           if (xmlMeta.getNamespace() != null) {
364                              ClassMeta<?> ct2 = pMeta.getClassMeta();
365                              Namespace cNs = first(xmlMeta.getNamespace(), ct2.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), cm.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), defaultNs);
366                              // Child element is in another namespace.
367                              schemas.queueElement(cNs, pMeta.getName(), ct2);
368                              hasOtherNsElement = true;
369                           }
370                           if (xmlMeta.getXmlFormat() == COLLAPSED)
371                              hasCollapsed = true;
372                        }
374                     }
375                  }
377                  if (hasOtherNsElement || hasCollapsed) {
378                     // If this bean has any child elements in another namespace,
379                     // we need to add an <any> element.
380                     w.oTag(i+1, "choice").attr("maxOccurs", "unbounded").cTag().nl(i+1);
381                     w.oTag(i+2, "any")
382                        .attr("processContents", "skip")
383                        .attr("minOccurs", 0)
384                        .ceTag().nl(i+2);
385                     w.eTag(i+1, "choice").nl(i+1);
387                  } else {
388                     w.sTag(i+1, "all").nl(i+1);
389                     for (BeanPropertyMeta pMeta : bm.getPropertyMetas()) {
390                        if (pMeta.canRead()) {
391                           XmlBeanPropertyMeta xmlMeta = pMeta.getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanPropertyMeta.class);
392                           if (xmlMeta.getXmlFormat() != ATTR) {
393                              boolean isCollapsed = xmlMeta.getXmlFormat() == COLLAPSED;
394                              ClassMeta<?> ct2 = pMeta.getClassMeta();
395                              String childName = pMeta.getName();
396                              if (isCollapsed) {
397                                 if (xmlMeta.getChildName() != null)
398                                    childName = xmlMeta.getChildName();
399                                 ct2 = pMeta.getClassMeta().getElementType();
400                              }
401                              Namespace cNs = first(xmlMeta.getNamespace(), ct2.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), cm.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), defaultNs);
402                              if (xmlMeta.getNamespace() == null) {
403                                 w.oTag(i+2, "element")
404                                    .attr("name", XmlUtils.encodeElementName(childName), false)
405                                    .attr("type", getXmlType(cNs, ct2))
406                                    .attr("minOccurs", 0);
408                                 w.ceTag().nl(i+2);
409                              } else {
410                                 // Child element is in another namespace.
411                                 schemas.queueElement(cNs, pMeta.getName(), ct2);
412                                 hasOtherNsElement = true;
413                              }
414                           }
415                        }
416                     }
417                     w.eTag(i+1, "all").nl(i+1);
418                  }
420               }
422               for (BeanPropertyMeta pMeta : bm.getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanMeta.class).getAttrProperties().values()) {
423                  if (pMeta.canRead()) {
424                     Namespace pNs = pMeta.getExtendedMeta(XmlBeanPropertyMeta.class).getNamespace();
425                     if (pNs == null)
426                        pNs = defaultNs;
428                     // If the bean attribute has a different namespace than the bean, then it needs to
429                     // be added as a top-level entry in the appropriate schema file.
430                     if (pNs != targetNs) {
431                        schemas.queueAttribute(pNs, pMeta.getName(), pMeta.getClassMeta());
432                        w.oTag(i+1, "attribute")
433                           //.attr("name", pMeta.getName(), true)
434                           .attr("ref", pNs.getName() + ':' + pMeta.getName())
435                           .ceTag().nl(i+1);
436                     }
438                     // Otherwise, it's just a plain attribute of this bean.
439                     else {
440                        w.oTag(i+1, "attribute")
441                           .attr("name", pMeta.getName(), true)
442                           .attr("type", getXmlAttrType(pMeta.getClassMeta()))
443                           .ceTag().nl(i+1);
444                     }
445                  }
446               }
448            //----- Collection -----
449            } else if (cm.isCollectionOrArray()) {
450               ClassMeta<?> elementType = cm.getElementType();
451               if (elementType.isObject()) {
452                  w.sTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
453                  w.oTag(i+2, "any")
454                     .attr("processContents", "skip")
455                     .attr("maxOccurs", "unbounded")
456                     .attr("minOccurs", "0")
457                     .ceTag().nl(i+2);
458                  w.eTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
459               } else {
460                  Namespace cNs = first(elementType.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), cm.getExtendedMeta(XmlClassMeta.class).getNamespace(), defaultNs);
461                  schemas.queueType(cNs, null, elementType);
462                  w.sTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
463                  w.oTag(i+2, "any")
464                     .attr("processContents", "skip")
465                     .attr("maxOccurs", "unbounded")
466                     .attr("minOccurs", "0")
467                     .ceTag().nl(i+2);
468                  w.eTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
469               }
471            //----- Map -----
472            } else if (cm.isMap() || cm.isAbstract() || cm.isObject()) {
473               w.sTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
474               w.oTag(i+2, "any")
475                  .attr("processContents", "skip")
476                  .attr("maxOccurs", "unbounded")
477                  .attr("minOccurs", "0")
478                  .ceTag().nl(i+2);
479               w.eTag(i+1, "sequence").nl(i+1);
480            }
482            w.oTag(i+1, "attribute")
483               .attr("name", getBeanTypePropertyName(null))
484               .attr("type", "string")
485               .ceTag().nl(i+1);
486         }
488         w.eTag(i, "complexType").nl(i);
489         schemas.processQueue();
491         return true;
492      }
494      private String getElementName(ClassMeta<?> cm) {
495         cm = cm.getSerializedClassMeta(schemas.session);
496         String name = cm.getDictionaryName();
498         if (name == null) {
499            if (cm.isBoolean())
500               name = "boolean";
501            else if (cm.isNumber())
502               name = "number";
503            else if (cm.isCollectionOrArray())
504               name = "array";
505            else if (! (cm.isMapOrBean() || cm.isCollectionOrArray() || cm.isObject() || cm.isAbstract()))
506               name = "string";
507            else
508               name = "object";
509         }
510         return name;
511      }
513      @Override /* Object */
514      public String toString() {
515         try {
516            w.eTag(indent, "schema").nl(indent);
517         } catch (IOException e) {
518            throw new RuntimeException(e); // Shouldn't happen.
519         }
520         return sw.toString();
521      }
523      private String getXmlType(Namespace currentNs, ClassMeta<?> cm) {
524         String name = null;
525         cm = cm.getSerializedClassMeta(schemas.session);
526         if (currentNs == targetNs) {
527            if (cm.isPrimitive()) {
528               if (cm.isBoolean())
529                  name = "boolean";
530               else if (cm.isNumber()) {
531                  if (cm.isDecimal())
532                     name = "decimal";
533                  else
534                     name = "integer";
535               }
536            }
537         }
538         if (name == null) {
539            name = XmlUtils.encodeElementName(cm);
540            schemas.queueType(currentNs, name, cm);
541            return currentNs.getName() + ":" + name;
542         }
544         return name;
545      }
546   }
548   @SafeVarargs
549   static <T> T first(T...tt) {
550      for (T t : tt)
551         if (t != null)
552            return t;
553      return null;
554   }
556   static String getXmlAttrType(ClassMeta<?> cm) {
557      if (cm.isBoolean())
558         return "boolean";
559      if (cm.isNumber()) {
560         if (cm.isDecimal())
561            return "decimal";
562         return "integer";
563      }
564      return "string";
565   }