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013package org.apache.juneau.rest.reshandlers;
015import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ObjectUtils.*;
016import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
017import static org.apache.juneau.httppart.HttpPartType.*;
019import java.io.*;
020import java.lang.reflect.*;
021import java.util.*;
023import org.apache.juneau.http.*;
024import org.apache.juneau.httppart.*;
025import org.apache.juneau.httppart.bean.*;
026import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.rest.*;
028import org.apache.juneau.rest.exception.*;
029import org.apache.juneau.rest.util.FinishablePrintWriter;
030import org.apache.juneau.rest.util.FinishableServletOutputStream;
031import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
034 * Response handler for POJOs not handled by other handlers.
035 *
036 * <p>
037 * This uses the serializers defined on the response to serialize the POJO.
038 *
039 * <p>
040 * The {@link Serializer} used is based on the <code>Accept</code> header on the request.
041 *
042 * <p>
043 * The <code>Content-Type</code> header is set to the mime-type defined on the selected serializer based on the
044 * <code>produces</code> value passed in through the constructor.
045 *
046 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5>
047 * <ul>
048 *    <li class='link'>{@doc juneau-rest-server.RestMethod.MethodReturnTypes}
049 * </ul>
050 */
051public class DefaultHandler implements ResponseHandler {
053   @SuppressWarnings("resource")
054   @Override /* ResponseHandler */
055   public boolean handle(RestRequest req, RestResponse res) throws IOException, InternalServerError, NotAcceptable {
056      SerializerGroup g = res.getSerializers();
057      String accept = req.getHeaders().getString("Accept", "");
058      SerializerMatch sm = g.getSerializerMatch(accept);
059      HttpPartSchema schema = null;
061      Object o = res.getOutput();
063      ResponseBeanMeta rm = res.getResponseMeta();
064      if (rm == null)
065         rm = req.getResponseBeanMeta(o);
067      if (rm != null) {
069         boolean isThrowable = rm.getClassMeta().isType(Throwable.class);
070         if (isThrowable) {
071            res.setHeader("Exception-Name", rm.getClassMeta().getName());
072            res.setHeader("Exception-Message", ((Throwable)o).getMessage());
073         }
075         ResponseBeanPropertyMeta stm = rm.getStatusMethod();
076         if (stm != null) {
077            try {
078               res.setStatus((int)stm.getGetter().invoke(o));
079            } catch (Exception e) {
080               throw new InternalServerError(e, "Could not get status.");
081            }
082         } else if (rm.getCode() != 0) {
083            res.setStatus(rm.getCode());
084         }
086         for (ResponseBeanPropertyMeta hm : rm.getHeaderMethods()) {
087            try {
088               Object ho = hm.getGetter().invoke(o);
089               String n = hm.getPartName();
090               if ("*".equals(n) && ho instanceof Map) {
091                  @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map m = (Map)ho;
092                  for (Object key : m.keySet()) {
093                     String k = asString(key);
094                     Object v = m.get(key);
095                     HttpPartSchema s = hm.getSchema().getProperty(k);
096                     res.setHeader(new HttpPart(k, RESPONSE_HEADER, s, hm.getSerializer(req.getPartSerializer()), req.getSerializerSessionArgs(), v));
097                  }
098               } else {
099                  res.setHeader(new HttpPart(n, RESPONSE_HEADER, hm.getSchema(), hm.getSerializer(req.getPartSerializer()), req.getSerializerSessionArgs(), ho));
100               }
101            } catch (Exception e) {
102               throw new InternalServerError(e, "Could not set header ''{0}''", hm.getPartName());
103            }
104         }
106         ResponseBeanPropertyMeta bm = rm.getBodyMethod();
108         if (bm != null) {
109            Method m = bm.getGetter();
110            try {
111               Class<?>[] pt = m.getParameterTypes();
112               if (pt.length == 1) {
113                  Class<?> ptt = pt[0];
114                  if (ptt == OutputStream.class)
115                     m.invoke(o, res.getOutputStream());
116                  else if (ptt == Writer.class)
117                     m.invoke(o, res.getWriter());
118                  return true;
119               }
120               o = m.invoke(o);
121            } catch (Exception e) {
122               throw new InternalServerError(e, "Could not get body.");
123            }
124         }
126         schema = rm.getSchema();
127      }
129      if (sm != null) {
130         Serializer s = sm.getSerializer();
131         MediaType mediaType = res.getMediaType();
132         if (mediaType == null)
133            mediaType = sm.getMediaType();
135         MediaType responseType = s.getResponseContentType();
136         if (responseType == null)
137            responseType = mediaType;
139         res.setContentType(responseType.toString());
141         try {
142            RequestProperties p = res.getProperties();
143            if (req.isPlainText())
144               res.setContentType("text/plain");
145            p.append("mediaType", mediaType).append("characterEncoding", res.getCharacterEncoding());
147            SerializerSession session = s.createSession(new SerializerSessionArgs(p, req.getJavaMethod(), req.getLocale(), req.getHeaders().getTimeZone(), mediaType, schema, req.isDebug() ? true : null, req.getUriContext(), req.isPlainText() ? true : null));
149            for (Map.Entry<String,String> h : session.getResponseHeaders().entrySet())
150               res.setHeader(h.getKey(), h.getValue());
152            if (! session.isWriterSerializer()) {
153               if (req.isPlainText()) {
154                  FinishablePrintWriter w = res.getNegotiatedWriter();
155                  ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
156                  session.serialize(o, baos);
157                  w.write(StringUtils.toSpacedHex(baos.toByteArray()));
158                  w.flush();
159                  w.finish();
160               } else {
161                  FinishableServletOutputStream os = res.getNegotiatedOutputStream();
162                  session.serialize(o, os);
163                  os.flush();
164                  os.finish();
165               }
166            } else {
167               FinishablePrintWriter w = res.getNegotiatedWriter();
168               session.serialize(o, w);
169               w.flush();
170               w.finish();
171            }
172         } catch (SerializeException e) {
173            throw new InternalServerError(e);
174         }
175         return true;
176      }
178      // Non-existent Accept or plain/text can just be serialized as-is.
179      if (o != null && (isEmpty(accept) || accept.startsWith("text/plain"))) {
180         String out = null;
181         if (isEmpty(res.getContentType()))
182            res.setContentType("text/plain");
183         out = req.getBeanSession().getClassMetaForObject(o).toString(o);
184         FinishablePrintWriter w = res.getNegotiatedWriter();
185         w.append(out);
186         w.flush();
187         w.finish();
188         return true;
189      }
191      throw new NotAcceptable(
192         "Unsupported media-type in request header ''Accept'': ''{0}''\n\tSupported media-types: {1}",
193         req.getHeaders().getString("Accept", ""), g.getSupportedMediaTypes()
194      );
195   }