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013package org.apache.juneau.rest;
015import java.text.*;
016import java.util.logging.*;
018import javax.servlet.http.*;
020import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
023 * Logging utility class.
024 *
025 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5>
026 * <ul>
027 *    <li class='jf'>{@link RestContext#REST_logger}
028 *    <li class='link'>{@doc juneau-rest-server.LoggingAndErrorHandling}
029 * </ul>
030 */
031public interface RestLogger {
033   /**
034    * Represents no RestLogger.
035    *
036    * <p>
037    * Used on annotation to indicate that the value should be inherited from the parent class, and
038    * ultimately {@link BasicRestLogger} if not specified at any level.
039    */
040   public interface Null extends RestLogger {}
042   /**
043    * Sets the logging level for this logger.
044    *
045    * @param level The new level.
046    */
047   public void setLevel(Level level);
049   /**
050    * Log a message to the logger.
051    *
052    * @param level The log level.
053    * @param cause The cause.
054    * @param msg The message to log.
055    * @param args Optional {@link MessageFormat}-style arguments.
056    */
057   public void log(Level level, Throwable cause, String msg, Object...args);
059   /**
060    * Log a message.
061    *
062    * @param level The log level.
063    * @param msg The message to log.
064    * @param args Optional {@link MessageFormat}-style arguments.
065    */
066   public void log(Level level, String msg, Object...args);
068   /**
069    * Same as {@link #log(Level, String, Object...)} excepts runs the arguments through {@link SimpleJsonSerializer#DEFAULT_READABLE}.
070    *
071    * <p>
072    * Serialization of arguments do not occur if message is not logged, so it's safe to use this method from within
073    * debug log statements.
074    *
075    * <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
076    * <p class='bcode w800'>
077    *    logObjects(<jsf>DEBUG</jsf>, <js>"Pojo contents:\n{0}"</js>, myPojo);
078    * </p>
079    *
080    * @param level The log level.
081    * @param msg The message to log.
082    * @param args Optional {@link MessageFormat}-style arguments.
083    */
084   public void logObjects(Level level, String msg, Object...args);
086   /**
087    * Callback method for logging errors during HTTP requests.
088    *
089    * <p>
090    * Typically, subclasses will override this method and log errors themselves.
091    *
092    * <p>
093    * The default implementation simply logs errors to the <code>RestServlet</code> logger.
094    *
095    * <p>
096    * Here's a typical implementation showing how stack trace hashing can be used to reduce log file sizes...
097    * <p class='bcode w800'>
098    *    <jk>protected void</jk> onError(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, RestException e, <jk>boolean</jk> noTrace) {
099    *       String qs = req.getQueryString();
100    *       String msg = <js>"HTTP "</js> + req.getMethod() + <js>" "</js> + e.getStatus() + <js>" "</js> + req.getRequestURI() + (qs == <jk>null</jk> ? <js>""</js> : <js>"?"</js> + qs);
101    *       <jk>int</jk> c = e.getOccurrence();
102    *
103    *       <jc>// REST_useStackTraceHashes is disabled, so we have to log the exception every time.</jc>
104    *       <jk>if</jk> (c == 0)
105    *          myLogger.log(Level.<jsf>WARNING</jsf>, <jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"[%s] %s"</js>, e.getStatus(), msg), e);
106    *
107    *       <jc>// This is the first time we've countered this error, so log a stack trace
108    *       // unless ?noTrace was passed in as a URL parameter.</jc>
109    *       <jk>else if</jk> (c == 1 &amp;&amp; ! noTrace)
110    *          myLogger.log(Level.<jsf>WARNING</jsf>, <jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"[%h.%s.%s] %s"</js>, e.hashCode(), e.getStatus(), c, msg), e);
111    *
112    *       <jc>// This error occurred before.
113    *       // Only log the message, not the stack trace.</jc>
114    *       <jk>else</jk>
115    *          myLogger.log(Level.<jsf>WARNING</jsf>, <jsm>format</jsm>(<js>"[%h.%s.%s] %s, %s"</js>, e.hashCode(), e.getStatus(), c, msg, e.getLocalizedMessage()));
116    *    }
117    * </p>
118    *
119    * @param req The servlet request object.
120    * @param res The servlet response object.
121    * @param e Exception indicating what error occurred.
122    */
123   public void onError(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, RestException e);