001// ***************************************************************************************************************************
002// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
003// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
004// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance            *
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012// ***************************************************************************************************************************
013package org.apache.juneau.rest;
015import static org.apache.juneau.http.HttpMethodName.*;
016import static org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.JsonSchemaGenerator.*;
018import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.*;
019import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.ui.*;
020import org.apache.juneau.html.*;
021import org.apache.juneau.jso.*;
022import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
023import org.apache.juneau.plaintext.*;
024import org.apache.juneau.rest.annotation.*;
025import org.apache.juneau.soap.*;
026import org.apache.juneau.uon.*;
027import org.apache.juneau.urlencoding.*;
028import org.apache.juneau.xml.*;
031 * Subclass of {@link RestServlet} with default serializers and parsers defined.
032 *
033 * <p>
034 * Supports the following request <code>Accept</code> header values with the resulting response <code>Content-Type</code>:
035 * <table class='styled'>
036 *    <tr>
037 *       <th>Accept</th>
038 *       <th>Content-Type</th>
039 *       <th>Serializer</th>
040 *    </tr>
041 *    <tr>
042 *       <td class='code'>application/json<br>text/json</td>
043 *       <td class='code'>application/json</td>
044 *       <td>{@link JsonSerializer}</td>
045 *    </tr>
046 *    <tr>
047 *       <td class='code'>application/json+simple<br>text/json+simple</td>
048 *       <td class='code'>application/json</td>
049 *       <td>{@link org.apache.juneau.json.SimpleJsonSerializer}</td>
050 *    </tr>
051 *    <tr>
052 *       <td class='code'>application/json+schema<br>text/json+schema</td>
053 *       <td class='code'>application/json</td>
054 *       <td>{@link JsonSchemaSerializer}</td>
055 *    </tr>
056 *    <tr>
057 *       <td class='code'>text/xml</td>
058 *       <td class='code'>text/xml</td>
059 *       <td>{@link XmlDocSerializer}</td>
060 *    </tr>
061 *    <tr>
062 *       <td class='code'>text/xml+schema</td>
063 *       <td class='code'>text/xml</td>
064 *       <td>{@link org.apache.juneau.xmlschema.XmlSchemaDocSerializer}</td>
065 *    </tr>
066 *    <tr>
067 *       <td class='code'>text/html</td>
068 *       <td class='code'>text/html</td>
069 *       <td>{@link HtmlDocSerializer}</td>
070 *    </tr>
071 *    <tr>
072 *       <td class='code'>text/html+stripped</td>
073 *       <td class='code'>text/html</td>
074 *       <td>{@link HtmlStrippedDocSerializer}</td>
075 *    </tr>
076 *    <tr>
077 *       <td class='code'>text/uon</td>
078 *       <td class='code'>text/uon</td>
079 *       <td>{@link UonSerializer}</td>
080 *    </tr>
081 *    <tr>
082 *       <td class='code'>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</td>
083 *       <td class='code'>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</td>
084 *       <td>{@link UrlEncodingSerializer}</td>
085 *    </tr>
086 *    <tr>
087 *       <td class='code'>text/xml+soap</td>
088 *       <td class='code'>text/xml</td>
089 *       <td>{@link SoapXmlSerializer}</td>
090 *    </tr>
091 *    <tr>
092 *       <td class='code'>text/plain</td>
093 *       <td class='code'>text/plain</td>
094 *       <td>{@link PlainTextSerializer}</td>
095 *    </tr>
096 * </table>
097 * <p>
098 * Supports the following request <code>Content-Type</code> header values:
099 * </p>
100 * <table class='styled'>
101 *    <tr>
102 *       <th>Content-Type</th>
103 *       <th>Parser</th>
104 *    </tr>
105 *    <tr>
106 *       <td class='code'>application/json<br>text/json</td>
107 *       <td>{@link JsonParser}</td>
108 *    </tr>
109 *    <tr>
110 *       <td class='code'>text/xml<br>application/xml</td>
111 *       <td>{@link XmlParser}</td>
112 *    </tr>
113 *    <tr>
114 *       <td class='code'>text/html<br>text/html+stripped</td>
115 *       <td>{@link HtmlParser}</td>
116 *    </tr>
117 *    <tr>
118 *       <td class='code'>text/uon</td>
119 *       <td>{@link UonParser}</td>
120 *    </tr>
121 *    <tr>
122 *       <td class='code'>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</td>
123 *       <td>{@link UrlEncodingParser}</td>
124 *    </tr>
125 *    <tr>
126 *       <td class='code'>text/plain</td>
127 *       <td>{@link PlainTextParser}</td>
128 *    </tr>
129 * </table>
130 *
131 * <p>
132 * It should be noted that we do NOT add {@link JsoParser} to the list of parsers since this could cause security
133 * issues.
134 * Use caution when using this particular parser as it could inadvertently cause code execution security holes.
135 *
136 * <p>
137 * The list of serializers and parsers can be appended to using the
138 * {@link RestResource#serializers() @RestResource(serializers)} and
139 * {@link RestResource#parsers() @RestResource(parsers)} annotations on subclasses.
140 *
141 * <p>
142 * This subclass also provides a default OPTIONS page by implementing a {@link #getOptions(RestRequest)} that returns a
143 * POJO consisting of beans describing the class.
144 *
145 * <p>
146 * The OPTIONS page can be modified or augmented by overriding this method and providing your own data.
147 *
148 * <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
149 * <ul class='spaced-list'>
150 *    <li>
151 *       Provides a default HTML stylesheet by setting {@link HtmlDoc#stylesheet() @HtmlDoc(stylesheet)}
152 *       to <js>"styles/juneau.css"</js>.
153 *    <li>
154 *       Provides a default classpath entry "htdocs" by setting
155 *       {@link RestResource#staticFiles() @RestResource(staticFiles)} to <code>{<js>"htdocs:htdocs"</js>,<js>"styles:styles"</js>}</code>.
156 *       This allows files inside the <code>[servletPackage].htdocs</code> package to be served up under the URL
157 *       <code>/servletPath/htdocs</code>.
158 * </ul>
159 *
160 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5>
161 * <ul>
162 *    <li class='link'>{@doc juneau-rest-server.Instantiation.BasicRestServlet}
163 * </ul>
164 */
167   // Allow OPTIONS requests to be simulated using ?method=OPTIONS query parameter.
168   allowedMethodParams="OPTIONS",
170   // HTML-page specific settings.
171   htmldoc=@HtmlDoc(
172      // Basic page navigation links.
173      navlinks={
174         "up: request:/..",
175         "options: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS"
176      }
177   )
179public abstract class BasicRestServlet extends RestServlet implements BasicRestConfig {
180   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
182   /**
183    * [OPTIONS /*] - Show resource options.
184    *
185    * @param req The HTTP request.
186    * @return A bean containing the contents for the OPTIONS page.
187    */
188   @RestMethod(name=OPTIONS, path="/*",
190      summary="Swagger documentation",
191      description="Swagger documentation for this resource.",
193      htmldoc=@HtmlDoc(
194         // Override the nav links for the swagger page.
195         navlinks={
196            "back: servlet:/",
197            "json: servlet:/?method=OPTIONS&Accept=text/json&plainText=true"
198         },
199         // Never show aside contents of page inherited from class.
200         aside="NONE"
201      ),
203      // POJO swaps to apply to all serializers/parsers on this method.
204      pojoSwaps={
205         // Use the SwaggerUI swap when rendering Swagger beans.
206         // This is a per-media-type swap that only applies to text/html requests.
207         SwaggerUI.class
208      },
210      // Properties to apply to all serializers/parsers and REST-specific API objects on this method.
211      properties={
212         // Add descriptions to the following types when not specified:
213         @Property(name=JSONSCHEMA_addDescriptionsTo, value="bean,collection,array,map,enum"),
215         // Add x-example to the following types:
216         @Property(name=JSONSCHEMA_addExamplesTo, value="bean,collection,array,map"),
218         // Don't generate schema information on the Swagger bean itself or HTML beans.
219         @Property(name=JSONSCHEMA_ignoreTypes, value="Swagger,org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.*")
220      },
222      // Shortcut for boolean properties.
223      flags={
224         // Use $ref references for bean definitions to reduce duplication in Swagger.
225         JSONSCHEMA_useBeanDefs,
227         // When parsing generated beans, ignore unknown properties that may only exist as getters and not setters.
228         BEAN_ignoreUnknownBeanProperties
229      }
230   )
231   public Swagger getOptions(RestRequest req) {
232      // Localized Swagger for this resource is available through the RestRequest object.
233      return req.getSwagger();
234   }