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013package org.apache.juneau.remoteable;
015import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
016import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
018import java.lang.annotation.*;
020import org.apache.juneau.httppart.*;
021import org.apache.juneau.urlencoding.*;
024 * @deprecated Use {@link org.apache.juneau.http.annotation.FormData}
025 */
031public @interface FormData {
033   /**
034    * The form post parameter name.
035    *
036    * <p>
037    * Note that {@link #name()} and {@link #value()} are synonyms.
038    *
039    * <p>
040    * The value should be either <js>"*"</js> to represent multiple name/value pairs, or a label that defines the
041    * form data parameter name.
042    *
043    * <p>
044    * A blank value (the default) has the following behavior:
045    * <ul class='spaced-list'>
046    *    <li>
047    *       If the data type is <code>NameValuePairs</code>, <code>Map</code>, or a bean,
048    *       then it's the equivalent to <js>"*"</js> which will cause the value to be serialized as name/value pairs.
049    *
050    *       <h5 class='figure'>Example:</h5>
051    *       <p class='bcode'>
052    *    <jc>// When used on a remote method parameter</jc>
053    *    <ja>@Remoteable</ja>(path=<js>"/myproxy"</js>)
054    *    <jk>public interface</jk> MyProxy {
055    *
056    *       <jc>// Equivalent to @FormData("*")</jc>
057    *       <ja>@RemoteMethod</ja>(path=<js>"/mymethod"</js>)
058    *       String myProxyMethod1(<ja>@FormData</ja> Map&lt;String,Object&gt; formData);
059    *    }
060    *
061    *    <jc>// When used on a request bean method</jc>
062    *    <jk>public interface</jk> MyRequestBean {
063    *
064    *       <jc>// Equivalent to @FormData("*")</jc>
065    *       <ja>@FormData</ja>
066    *       Map&lt;String,Object&gt; getFoo();
067    *    }
068    *       </p>
069    *    </li>
070    *    <li>
071    *       If used on a request bean method, uses the bean property name.
072    *
073    *       <h5 class='figure'>Example:</h5>
074    *       <p class='bcode'>
075    *    <jk>public interface</jk> MyRequestBean {
076    *
077    *       <jc>// Equivalent to @FormData("foo")</jc>
078    *       <ja>@FormData</ja>
079    *       String getFoo();
080    *    }
081    *       </p>
082    *    </li>
083    * </ul>
084    */
085   String name() default "";
087   /**
088    * A synonym for {@link #name()}.
089    *
090    * <p>
091    * Allows you to use shortened notation if you're only specifying the name.
092    */
093   String value() default "";
095   /**
096    * Skips this value if it's an empty string or empty collection/array.
097    *
098    * <p>
099    * Note that <jk>null</jk> values are already ignored.
100    */
101   boolean skipIfEmpty() default false;
103   /**
104    * Specifies the {@link HttpPartSerializer} class used for serializing values to strings.
105    *
106    * <p>
107    * The default value defaults to the using the part serializer defined on the {@link RequestBean @RequestBean} annotation,
108    * then on the client which by default is {@link UrlEncodingSerializer}.
109    *
110    * <p>
111    * This annotation is provided to allow values to be custom serialized.
112    */
113   Class<? extends HttpPartSerializer> serializer() default HttpPartSerializer.Null.class;