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013package org.apache.juneau.jsonschema.annotation;
015import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
017import java.lang.annotation.*;
020 * Swagger external documentation annotation.
021 *
022 * <p>
023 * Allows referencing an external resource for extended documentation.
024 *
025 * <p>
026 * Used to populate the auto-generated Swagger documentation and UI for server-side <ja>@RestResource</ja>-annotated classes.
027 *
028 * <h5 class='section'>Examples:</h5>
029 * <p class='bcode w800'>
030 *    <jc>// Normal</jc>
031 *    <ja>@RestResource</ja>(
032 *       swagger=<ja>@ResourceSwagger</ja>(
033 *          externalDocs=<ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>(
034 *             description=<js>"Apache Juneau"</js>,
035 *             url=<js>"http://juneau.apache.org"</js>
036 *          )
037 *       )
038 *    )
039 * </p>
040 * <p class='bcode w800'>
041 *    <jc>// Free-form</jc>
042 *    <ja>@RestResource</ja>(
043 *       swagger=<ja>@ResourceSwagger</ja>(
044 *          contact=<ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>({
045 *             <js>"description:'Apache Juneau',"</js>,
046 *             <js>"url:'http://juneau.apache.org'"</js>,
047 *          })
048 *       )
049 *    )
050 * </p>
051 *
052 * <h5 class='section'>See Also:</h5>
053 * <ul>
054 *    <li class='link'>{@doc juneau-rest-server.Swagger}
055 *    <li class='extlink'>{@doc SwaggerExternalDocumentationObject}
056 * </ul>
057 */
060public @interface ExternalDocs {
062   /**
063    * <mk>description</mk> field of the {@doc SwaggerExternalDocumentationObject}.
064    *
065    * <p>
066    * A short description of the target documentation.
067    *
068    * <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
069    * <ul class='spaced-list'>
070    *    <li>
071    *       The format is a plain-text string.
072    *       <br>Multiple lines are concatenated with newlines.
073    *    <li>
074    *       Supports {@doc DefaultRestSvlVariables}
075    *       (e.g. <js>"$L{my.localized.variable}"</js>).
076    * </ul>
077    */
078   String[] description() default {};
080   /**
081    * <mk>url</mk> field of the {@doc SwaggerExternalDocumentationObject}.
082    *
083    * <p>
084    * The URL for the target documentation. Value MUST be in the format of a URL.
085    *
086    * <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
087    * <ul class='spaced-list'>
088    *    <li>
089    *       The value is required.
090    *    <li>
091    *       The format is a URL string.
092    *    <li>
093    *       Supports {@doc DefaultRestSvlVariables}
094    *       (e.g. <js>"$L{my.localized.variable}"</js>).
095    * </ul>
096    */
097   String url() default "";
099   /**
100    * Free-form value for the {@doc SwaggerExternalDocumentationObject}.
101    *
102    * <p>
103    * This is a {@doc juneau-marshall.JsonDetails.SimplifiedJson} object that makes up the swagger information for this field.
104    *
105    * <p>
106    * The following are completely equivalent ways of defining the swagger description of documentation:
107    * <p class='bcode w800'>
108    *    <jc>// Normal</jc>
109    *    <ja>@RestResource</ja>(
110    *       swagger=<ja>@ResourceSwagger</ja>(
111    *          externalDocs=<ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>(
112    *             description=<js>"Find out more about Juneau"</js>,
113    *             url=<js>"http://juneau.apache.org"</js>
114    *          )
115    *       )
116    *    )
117    * </p>
118    * <p class='bcode w800'>
119    *    <jc>// Free-form</jc>
120    *    <ja>@RestResource</ja>(
121    *       swagger=<ja>@ResourceSwagger</ja>(
122    *          externalDocs=<ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>({
123    *             <js>"description: 'Find out more about Juneau',"</js>,
124    *             <js>"url: 'http://juneau.apache.org'"</js>
125    *          })
126    *       )
127    *    )
128    * </p>
129    * <p class='bcode w800'>
130    *    <jc>// Free-form with variables</jc>
131    *    <ja>@RestResource</ja>(
132    *       swagger=<ja>@ResourceSwagger</ja>(
133    *          externalDocs=<ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>(<js>"$L{externalDocsSwagger}"</js>)
134    *       )
135    *    )
136    * </p>
137    * <p class='bcode w800'>
138    *    <mc>// Contents of MyResource.properties</mc>
139    *    <mk>externalDocsSwagger</mk> = <mv>{ description: "Find out more about Juneau", url: "http://juneau.apache.org" }</mv>
140    * </p>
141    *
142    * <p>
143    *    The reasons why you may want to use this field include:
144    * <ul>
145    *    <li>You want to pull in the entire Swagger JSON definition for this field from an external source such as a properties file.
146    *    <li>You want to add extra fields to the Swagger documentation that are not officially part of the Swagger specification.
147    * </ul>
148    *
149    * <h5 class='section'>Notes:</h5>
150    * <ul class='spaced-list'>
151    *    <li>
152    *       The format is a {@doc juneau-marshall.JsonDetails.SimplifiedJson} object.
153    *    <li>
154    *       The leading/trailing <code>{ }</code> characters are optional.
155    *       <br>The following two example are considered equivalent:
156    *       <p class='bcode w800'>
157    *    <ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>(<js>"{url:'http://juneau.apache.org'}"</js>)
158    *       </p>
159    *       <p class='bcode w800'>
160    *    <ja>@ExternalDocs</ja>(<js>"url:'http://juneau.apache.org'"</js>)
161    *       </p>
162    *    <li>
163    *       Multiple lines are concatenated with newlines so that you can format the value to be readable.
164    *    <li>
165    *       Supports {@doc DefaultRestSvlVariables}
166    *       (e.g. <js>"$L{my.localized.variable}"</js>).
167    *    <li>
168    *       Values defined in this field supersede values pulled from the Swagger JSON file and are superseded by individual values defined on this annotation.
169    * </ul>
170    */
171   String[] value() default {};