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013package org.apache.juneau.internal;
015import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
017import java.lang.reflect.*;
020 * Utilities.
021 */
022public class HttpUtils {
024   /**
025    * Given a method name, infers the REST method name.
026    *
027    * @param m The Java method.
028    * @param detectMethod Whether we should auto-detect the HTTP method name from the Java method name.
029    * @param def The default HTTP method if not detected.
030    * @return The REST method name, or the default value if not found.
031    */
032   public static String detectHttpMethod(Method m, boolean detectMethod, String def) {
033      String n = m.getName();
034      if (detectMethod) {
035         if (n.startsWith("do") && n.length() > 2) {
036            String n2 = n.substring(2).toUpperCase();
037            if (isOneOf(n2, "GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","OPTIONS","HEAD","CONNECT","TRACE","PATCH"))
038               return n2;
039         }
040         for (String t : new String[]{"get","put","post","delete","options","head","connect","trace","patch"})
041            if (n.startsWith(t) && (n.length() == t.length() || Character.isUpperCase(n.charAt(t.length()))))
042               return t.toUpperCase();
043      }
044      return def;
045   }
047   /**
048    * Given a Java method, infers the REST path.
049    *
050    * @param m The Java method.
051    * @param detectMethod Whether we should auto-detect the HTTP method name from the Java method name.
052    * @return The REST path or <jk>null</jk> if not detected.
053    */
054   public static String detectHttpPath(Method m, boolean detectMethod) {
055      String n = m.getName();
056      if (detectMethod) {
057         if (n.startsWith("do") && n.length() > 2) {
058            String n2 = n.substring(2).toUpperCase();
059            if (isOneOf(n2, "GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","OPTIONS","HEAD","CONNECT","TRACE","PATCH"))
060               return "/";
061         }
062         for (String t : new String[]{"get","put","post","delete","options","head","connect","trace","patch"}) {
063            if (n.startsWith(t) && (n.length() == t.length() || Character.isUpperCase(n.charAt(t.length())))) {
064               return '/' + java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(n.substring(t.length()));
065            }
066         }
067      }
068      return '/' + n;
069   }
071   /**
072    * Given a Java method, returns the arguments signature.
073    *
074    * @param m The Java method.
075    * @param full Whether fully-qualified names should be used for arguments.
076    * @return The arguments signature for the specified method.
077    */
078   public static String getMethodArgsSignature(Method m, boolean full) {
079      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
080      Class<?>[] pt = m.getParameterTypes();
081      if (pt.length == 0)
082         return "";
083      sb.append('(');
084      for (int i = 0; i < pt.length; i++) {
085         if (i > 0)
086            sb.append(',');
087         sb.append(full ? ClassUtils.getReadableClassName(pt[i]) : ClassUtils.getSimpleName(pt[i]));
088      }
089      sb.append(')');
090      return sb.toString();
091   }